Be afraid

Add a vicious dog to that order :wink:

You are so right and on top of this I see so many businesses (in my area) with their main power switch outside with no lock on it. Anyone could walk by and shut off power to the store. Crazy.

Yes it is. It is behind eight foot tall gates and walls though. The house has been expanded so much that this is my "backyard."

It has proven to be pretty quiet back there. :joy:

Also my network is battery backed up and the alarm has battery and cellular backups. So I’m doing better than most but get your point.


:rofl: well that shows me! I think you can forego the vicious dog, but it really would complete that picture!:grinning:

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Last week I finally got to this mess.

The probe was detecting power in there somewhere but the switches were inert. I carefully pulled them out and the each had a pair of wires connected to them but no juice. There was also a hot and neutral wire capped off in the box.

I removed the switches and capped off the four mystery wires. I used the powered wires to install an Inovelli Red Series switch. It isn’t hooked up to anything but now I have a button controller near the garage door.

Wait until you see what I found in the bathroom…