Battery status

Is there an app, or similar, where I can see all my devices and how much battery is left?
I made a notification about bateri status. I would like to have an overview of the different devices and their battery percentage.

I use device watchdog and the special tracking function.
Or you can use Device Watchdog using the 'Battery' option.


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That's exactly what I was looking for.

Is there one of the reporters in the device watchdog who can tell if a device is offline the hub?

A simple (pardon the pun) way to do this is the Simple Idle Alert app:

Great. About idle alert.
Can't I make so I choose all my devices, and not just one at a time? Or should I create an event for each device?

It's a parent/child app. One child per device.

Damn I have many devices.

the one i posted is an app and you select all your battery devices and a time to send out a daily report.

I only use it for a handful of critical devices... That being said, having a bunch of children shouldn't be a problem. The resource requirements are tiny. Only one timer per child, firing only once per interval. Have a look at the code.

I will. Thanks

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