I have a lot of xiaomi devices. They're all on battery. I'd use watchdog to keep an eye on how much battery is on, but can't get them to show how much battery is left. I've attached some pictures.
Is there a solution to get them to display battery status?
What drivers are you using? I recommend @markus drivers. In any event battery can take a while to register the value, be patient, and remember the battery reports are not very reliable, at all.
From 100% to dead. I've seen it many times. It dues to a few things, Lithium discharge curve and device firmware.
And great. Will they tell me to replace my driver to them @markus have? Or what do you mean? It is 3 months since I have created my xiaomi devices.
Okay, I'll try his drivers. Sounds like they work. How do I find them? I'm new to HE. I come from smartthings.
Yes, you're right it was more the place where I found the right drivers. I'll take a look. Thx
Sorry, I didn't realize you've had them connected for months, as I didn't read a create date. In any event I'd guess the capability was not picked up on pairing. I would load Markus's driver and re-pair the device. Although possibly hitting intialize after switching to markus driver may bring in the battery reports
And it did! Thank you very much for the help
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