Battery Levels Don't Match

If you open live logging with the display text logging enabled you should see the battery report on each button press, only changes in battery level are committed as events.
Why only 25%?, don't know, I might measure the good and bad cells with a dvm, maybe the good aren't good...

@mike.maxwell I just changed the batteries on my controller and see the same.
Old batteries were 65%. New batteries and showing the same in the logs.

@mike.maxwell I have the descriptive logging on and I pushed one of the buttons and I do not see a line in the logs that show a battery level just that a button was pushed.

You may need debug logging on as well. I have both on.

I hit the W on the back of the remote (highlighted in the logs below).
Unfortunately the batteries popped out while doing this....and fortunately the battery now correctly reports 100%. Not sure if it was the W to wake, or the battery popping out, but it reports the correct battery now.

@stephack Turning on debug logging gave the battery report, thanks.

@mike.maxwell, @stephack Also, I pressed W and it showed a wakeup, batteries are new lithium, and it still showed in log that battery is still 25%

I did a few tests while swapping the old and new batteries. The only way I was able to get the batteries to report the new batteries correctly was to do the following:

  • With the old batteries in, I hit the W button and as soon as I saw the Wakeup Notification in the logs, I popped the batteries out.
  • Immediately poped them back in and got the same "skip:VersionReport..." as shown in the logs above follwed by the correct battery value.

It works but seems like a strange process :man_shrugging:

@stephack I just did that procedure on each of the remotes and it worked for all. I agree it is very unorthodox way of doing it.

:+1: glad you got it working. I would have run into the same issue in a few months myself so I'm glad you reported it first.

@mike.maxwell, any chance we could get a configure button on this driver. Hopefully it would remove the need to dance a jig to get these puppies reporting battery status correctly.
Btw, I noticed that the battery reported the drop in quality when switching to the old batteries fine. The issue seems to be when the percentage needs to go up after installing new ones.