Battery level status alert


I have a gizillion water leak sensors throughout my house. I have figured out how to get an alert if any of my devices battery level gets to 10% but I want it to tell me which device has the low battery.

Is there an easy way to set this up vs creating a notification for each and every device in my house. Iā€™m afraid my technique would take way too much time.

Please let me know how you all take care of this issue.


I use an app that you can find in our public repo (here). It's called Battery Notifier.

This reports daily, not on each battery reaching a certain level. This is because many batteries will just die without ever reaching that level. The app just tells that a device has not reported at all in the past 24 hours -- and this will pretty reliably catch failed batteries. The app is setup to run daily, or you can run it any time you want to check.

Looks like this:

Interestingly, the Porch Mx device reports 87% battery, but I'm pretty sure it's dead.


Personally, I'm using a popular and solid tool on the HE side, and I also use a colorized tool in my dashboard. Battery Monitor is in HPM. The tile is builtin to HD+ for Android

Batteries are a PITA. Reporting is hit or miss on accuracy due to various reasons. I won't open that can of worms as it is discussed ad nauseam here in the forums but is worth reading about for sure.
I wrote a google app to manage my batteries (make, model, type, change date, history etc) that I use on my phone so I know what products to have in my fresh batteries box!

I have a dashboard dedicated to battery levels so that I have an easy way to review that info as desired.

But since lithium batteries get so darn squirrelly toward the end, I've given up trying to game when to change them... Sometimes they totally die very suddenly without any real warning at all, and sometimes you can still get weeks+ out of them even when they are reporting zero.

So I take any "low" (however you choose to define that) battery report with a grain of salt. For me, it's really only useful as a reminder to check my battery supply to ensure I have a spare readily available.

The only battery thing that I have that's critical is one of my locks -- those batteries get changed annually regardless of state. The rest of my battery stuff can all go to total failure, so I just use Device Activity Check (DAC) for that -- it sounds like the app Bruce recommends above works similarly -- if DAC has no activity from a device in the past 24 hours, I get a Pushover alert about it.

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I use the app Battery Monitor.
It reports battery level every day at 9:00 am as requested.