Hello, I know NOT to use dimmers, but I actually have 2 extra GE/Jasco/Honeywell Z wave fan speed controllers, I was wondering would they be fine (if anyone knows or has experience) to use for bathroom exhaust fans?? I unfortunately do not know if the exhaust fans are variable speed...my guess it that they are not.
I know that switches should be no problem; but, I got these 2 extra as a prize and all my other ceiling fans are already converted to being smart and would like to see if I can put them to use before I try to sell them or store them as backups.
I use GE/Jasco switches on fan motors, I also use Zooz, not fan controllers though just straight on off switches. I don't know if a fan controller would work. Most bathroom fan motors I have seen are not really meant to be varied, just turned on and off.
Yeah, I use Zen71s in both bathrooms. I utilize the switch's built in off timer to have them run for a pre-set amount of time. This doesn't involve the hub or any rules, it's baked into the switch firmware.
For completeness, in case others are wondering the same question: I went ahead and used the GE/Jasco/Honeywell fan controllers on the 2 bathroom exhaust vents (it's great to have vents which I decided that I don't mind replacing regardless of the smart home work ) in Mar 2023. They still seem to be working properly as of this date. So for those looking to do the same thing, I do think that the comment from @Ranchitat absolutely applies and although I tried to confirm whether my exhaust fans were indeed split-capacitor, I couldn't yet I did determine that it was an extremely high likelihood they were.