Basic Rules and Rule Machine Apps

Just a quick question - But first

Happy New Year to all - :slight_smile:

So just starting up and working with rules. Initially Ive installed a few plugs and setup rules using the Basic Rules app. I've been looking Rule Machine 5.0. I have some programing background and the If-Then-Else-endIf scheme I've familiar with.


Do i need to remove the Basic Rule app before being able to use Rule Machine. Will they work side by side?

Much Tanks

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Not at all. I use both. Just depends on the complexity of the logic needed for a particular automation task.


Most awesome. Thank you :blush:

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Yep, you can seamlessly use any combo of Rule Machine (RM), Basic Rules (BR), Simple Automation Rules (SAR), Motion Rules, Button Rules, etc - there are quite a few rule tools!

When I came over from SmartThings (where I dabbled in WebCore), I swore I was going to avoid more "complex" rule engines like Rule Machine, but that didn't last long... Now I've swung the other way - the only thing I use is Rule Machine (I've removed BR and my prev installation of SAR).

The subtle differences between creating something in BR, SAR, or RM aren't rocket surgery to navigate, but I just preferred to maintain "fluency" in one tool, so might as well use the most powerful one!

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One feature that was requested, and is coming in the next release (2.3.1), is the ability to import a Basic Rule into Rule Machine. This allows one to start with Basic Rule, which is simpler and hopefully easier to work with, and then 'graduate' to RM with exactly the same functionality for an automation. This will show you how things are done in RM, where it's more capable yet more complex than BR.


The upcoming version it’s the ability to import into RM would be a great for learning the programs logic.