When time is sunset ...
Turn on Family Porch Light, Back Deck Light
Wait until time is sunrise, then ...
Turn off Family Porch Light, Back Deck Light
The rule is not paused, and Enable Logging is turned on. For two days in a row (the full lifetime of this rule) it has not fired at sunset (no log entries, light not on). Any idea why that might be?
If there were a zwave failure I'd still expect to see a log entry, but there is none. I find it highly unlikely that zwave is the issue because when I notice the rule has failed again, I turn the lights on manually through a dashboard without issue.
Let me give it another day and I'll circle back. I found two issues, one that's operator error and one that is an opportunity for improvement in the logging.
First, the logging. I was searching on the name of the rule, and found nothing. When I searched for "sunset" I found that the rule did trigger yesterday, albeit at the wrong time. Why is this bad?
There could be a ton of rules that are designed to trigger on sunset (or really any other trigger) and without that rule name it's more work than it needs to be to confirm your rule fired.
Anyway, that finding in the log led me to the second issue. My home location was configured correctly to the Eastern time zone but not to my proper zip code; zip was empty and somehow that defaults to a location somewhere in the Middle East. So I was noticing the lights weren't on sometime around 6PM, an hour or so after sunset - but that's before the time the rule would have fired based on the null zip code. I filled in the zip code, and will watch it the next day or two to verify all is well. I don't recall anything in the onboarding or setup process that recommended setting this value, and in fact I didn't know it was there. Perhaps I just missed that.
Thanks for your help, and if you have any sway on the logging suggestion I hope you'll consider it.