Baffled by hubitat hue alexa integration

I'm trying to create an Alexa group that includes both hue and hubitat devices. I have several groups like this but they only turn on/off the member devices. My new group needs to set level too.

The problem is that only the hue devices get their levels set from the alexa command. Nothing happens to the hubitat devices.

I'm deeply confused by what I'm supposed to be sharing to the Amazon Echo Skill. Should I include my hue devices from hubitat? I've tried both with and without the slider for exclude hubitat integrated hue devices.

With the slider unchecked I get two devices:

My Light
Royal Philips Electronics smart device
My light
Dimmable Light

I can't un-check the dimmable light one for some reason. If I uncheck it it just comes back. Either way the alexa group fails to work, only the hue light gets set to the level I call out. If I remove the hue light the rest of the hubitat devices work.

It doesn't seem to matter if I'm sharing the hue device with the alexa app either. Either way it creates both devices. What a mess.

There seems to be a bit of an issue with Alexa and Hue lately. So much so, that yesterday I removed all of Hue and HE from Alexa (you'll need to remove Hue via the Alexa App one by one). Then I added Hue back to HE and allowed Hue devices through HE, instead of directly to Alexa.

This has cured my issues.

How do I keep hue from sharing its devices to alexa directly?

By not removing them on the web URL, and doing it on the Alexa app one by one, after removing the Hue skill. This was the only way I found.

I raised it with Amazon support, who just said reset them. But I had fixed the issue before they came back tome asking if they could investigate further. It may be worth getting in touch with them too?

Hmm... well. ok I turned the slider back on to create the hue devices in hubitat. I made sure all my hue devices are checked to share to in the hubitat alexa app.

I now have 3 devices for each hue device in alexa

dimmable light
Royal Philips Electronics smart device
Hubitat Hue Light

I didn't bother deleting the first two in alexa, I'm just using the hubitat hue light in my amazon groups. That seems to be working.

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These are the ones I removed. Even after removing Hue skill, Alexa was still finding them. I'm kind of glad I'm not the only one to have seen these ghosts.

yeah I just left them. The hubitat hue devices seem to work just fine. Maybe even a little faster.

It's just likely going to be confusing in the future having left the clutter, but whatever. I've been messing with this for 2hrs.

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I feel your pain. I finished this morning at 3am reconnecting 47 bulbs, and then today rewiring all my automations :expressionless:

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I had a similar issue late last year.
When I first got my Hue hub I synced it directly with Alexa ("Alexa discover my devices" and then tapping the hue button). Last year I decided I wanted to control my Hue lights through Hubitat so I could disable polling and avoid sync issues. Because I had paired my Hue hub and Echo directly, I couldn't get my echo to stop discovering my lights via its direct integration and always ended up with 2 devices per light in the Alexa app. I can't remember exactly what I did, but it involved using the Hue api tester on their developer site to essentially de-authorize Alexa as a user on the Hue hub. I'll try to find the post that pointed me in the right direction and share.


@bill, @Royski
Be careful with this as I remember it being a bit trickier than expected but it worked.

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I was able to get rid of it once and for all by logging into my account at, select the APPS tab at the top, and then deactivate the Amazon Alexa cloud connected app.


I saw that method posted during my search but never tried it back then. Looks much simpler. Here's the link I came across.


Yeah I also did that when I reset my Hue hub. Freaky how it kept finding bulbs, but they were the old names, not the ones Iโ€™d given after. Theyโ€™ll be staying off Alexa from now on :+1:

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Cool, that worked for getting rid of the "Royal Phillips" devices. I deleted them and they weren't rediscovered by alexa after disabling the alexa integration at the link above.

I still have 2 entries per device though-

Hubitat Hue Light

Dimmable Light

The Hubitat Hue Light is the one that works.

I don't know what the dimmable light could be. Maybe an artifact from a prior discovery that no longer has any association? My rule of thumb is if it looks similar but doesn't function, delete it. Alexa can get confused very easily.:smile:

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I wish I could delete them. I have several times but they come back when I "alexa discover".

I'm just taking a shot in the dark here. I know you have the Hubitat Amazon Alexa Skill installed. Is there any possibility the Hubitat Amazon Alexa App is also installed?

That is the only way, I can think of, a dimmable bulb would keep reappearing.

It sounds to me like you have a rouge skill running around in Alexa. Have you checked which skills you have enabled in Alexa? You might need to contact Amazon support to get them to see if there is a left-over skill there that isn't being removed OR there's a misbehaving skill. A few months ago, I had to remove the Hubitat and ST skills from Alexa, only to find that the ST skill was hanging around in a ghost state. It was causing something similar to what you're experiencing. After contacting Amazon support, they manually removed the skill and my setup has been fine since then.

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I only have 2 smarthome skills, hubitat and the (rather useless) rheem thermostat skill.

Hahaha. I just rediscovered my devices and all the "Royal Phillips" ones are back now too, despite having disabled the hue/alexa integration. Whatevs.

UPDATE: it appears I had 2 copies of the hue/alexa integration running on Deleting both made all the bad devices go away. At least for now. Hopefully it stays that way.

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