Backup file format?

I guess the same could be said for many of the Apps and Drivers written by the community, that on the surface seemed lacking purpose and was it seriously needed.

End of the day it’s your product and platform.

How you support and encourage adoption is up to you… this wouldn’t be my way, and nor has this attitude and approach worked successfully elsewhere, but who knows… it might work here :crossed_fingers:


I’m not against tinkering. I do my fair share. It just seems really peculiar when people go looking for something in between a completely proprietary system and a complete open source system then complain because it isn’t one of the extremes.

I really appreciate what you and the rest of the HE team have built. It is a great system. It is amazingly extensible.

Keep up the great work @bravenel and company!!!


That’s not secure in my book. My data is readable by a third party who won’t and doesn’t disclose any details of how they maintain security in their organisation. Are you audited by an independent 3rd security consultant?


Well, you bought the hub, didn't you? Not sure what you mean by "this attitude and approach". Closed vs open source system? Hmm, I can think of several very successful companies with that approach. Being frank with you about my opinion and our reasons for things? Yeah, most companies just put out bs pr drivel. Not catering to your personal sets of priorities? Hmmm.... How many hubs are you looking to deploy?


I’m not expecting one end of the extreme. Just asking that the border be shifted a few inches to the left (open) vs right (closed)

No worries. Happy to move on if everyone doesn’t see a problem with backups being closed source and potentially insecure.

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Well, I'm telling you the truth, for whatever that is worth in these truth-optional days. No we aren't audited by anyone. Don't get me started about security. I'd get on a rant about tin foil hats. Were you comfortable giving all of your information to Samsung? Were they audited? We aren't monitoring your hub, or your data, or passing it through our cloud servers every day, and we have absolutely no reason to ever gain access to it unless you ask us to. And if you ask us to, would you prefer that we not be able to?


You will find a few like minded people here from time to time. Some of them move on, some of them stay because this hub works better than the alternatives. There is no perfect solution. Some people think OpenHAB is the way to go, they can have complete control over everything. Until they discover that it's x times more effort and breaks every other day. A lot of people thought ST was the way to go, until they wondered why the bathroom lights don't turn on when their wife goes in there, and discover that explaining the cloud is down doesn't yield high WAF. Etc.

If you are as concerned as you make out to be about security and open source, etc., then this is not going to be a fruitful conversation. If, on the other hand, you want to create some very good automations that are snappy fast, then you're in the right place. It all depends on what's most important for you.


I think the point is that if your approach to security, that you’re somehow assuming is perfect because you privately worked it out yourself, isn’t secure as you think, then perhaps what you’ve done is not okay.

E.g. if the password is a single password for all backup databases across all devices, and that password is publicly discovered/ disclosed, then you essentially have no password in effect.

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It's only as secure as you make it, not us. It's on your LAN, and you can back it up to your PC. You don't have to get Hub Protect and back it up encrypted to our cloud.

Can someone access your LAN? Access your hub? How else are they going to get access to the database backups?


You brought up the topic of it being an undisclosed password as being secure - I’m just pointing out that this isn’t true if your approach is poor (which it looks like it is). If my private LAN security is the saviour for the database security, then why encrypt the database?

I’m guessing you just didn’t want people to tinker and update the device in ways you can’t control.

Fair enough and we can leave it there. All good.


To keep people like you out of it, so we don't have a support nightmare.


I’m sorry but I disagree. It’s not constructive to keep complaining about something they’re not going to implement, no matter how committed some community developers and power users (which hardly make up the entire Hubitat user base, as @bravenel said) are to the concept of open-source software.

I truly do hope that Hubitat will work out for you. It’s just you’re not the first person to ask for more control over the system than they think users should have. In prior threads, some of those users move on after realizing Hubitat isn’t an open-source platform (and after experiencing a fair amount of frustration).

Platforms like the ones @aaiyar mentioned don’t have that limitation, because the users are in charge.


sounds like someone didn't read the rules before they accepted it



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I came across a list of the passwords one day while working on something else. I'm confident if you did some searching on your own, you could find them. I'm trying to respect the wishes of the hubitat folks and neither collect nor publish passwords. I hope if you find the same list, you also respect this and use it only for your own purposes.

Each unit has a unique encrypted pw created. While nothing is unhackable I doubt any PW's you may have, have any value. That said, if you use any iot search engine you will see a good amount of hubs unsecured with port redirection. This was addressed a few platforms ago to prevent from happening.

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I'm satisfied with the price/performance on this little device. I have four physical locations, remote admin works like a charm.

Also, Hubitat have a nice feature that will allow you to get every device, without unlocking the backup, this is much better than a good dump!!
I must agree that you can't reprogram back a dead unit, but in that case, use the backup.

Use the "Maker API", with just on curl/wget you can dump all your devices.
Get your own access codes/tokens. Actually, it's very cool.


sample reply:
......{"command":"doubleTap"},{"command":"hold"},{"command":"off"},{"command":"on"},{"command":"push"},{"command":"refresh"},{"command":"release"}]},{"name":"Wall Dimmer","label":"Patio Sitting","type":"Generic Z-Wave Dimmer","id":"16","date":"2022-07-12T00:15:07+0000","model":null,"manufacturer":null,"room":"Outdoor","capabilities":["Configuration","Actuator","Refresh","Polling","ChangeLevel","SwitchLevel","Switch"],"attributes":{"switch":"on","dataType":"NUMBER","values":null,"level":"48"},"commands":[{"command":"configure"},{"command":"flash"},{"command":"off"},{"command":"on"},{"command":"poll"},{"command":"refresh"},{"command":"setLevel"},{"command":"startLevelChange"},{"command":"stopLevelChange"}]},{"name":"Generic Z-Wave Switch","label":"Wall right","type":"Generic Z-Wave Switch","id":"17","date":"2022-07-12T00:15:02+0000","model":null,"manufacturer":null,"room":null,"capabilities":["Configuration","Actuator","Refresh","Polling","Switch"],"attributes":{"switch":"on","dataType":"ENUM","values":["on","off"]},"commands":[{"command":"configure"},{"command":"flash"},{"command":"off"},{"command":"on"},{"command":"poll"},{"command":"refresh"}]},{"name":"Generic Z-Wave Switch","label":"Wall left","type":"Generic Z-Wave Switch","id":"18","date":"2022-07-12T00:15:02+0000","model":null,"manufacturer":null,"room":null,"capabilities":["Configuration","Actuator","Refresh","Polling","Switch"],"attributes":{"switch":"on","dataType":"ENUM","values":["on","off"]},"commands":[{"command":"configure"},{"command":"flash"},{"command":"off"},{"command":"on"},{"command":"poll"},{"command":"refresh"}]},{"name":"Wall Dimmer","label":"Porch","type":"Generic Z-Wave Dimmer","id":"19","date":"2022-07-12T00:15:02+0000","model":null,"manufacturer":null,"room":"Outdoor","capabilities":["Configuration","Actuator","Refresh","Polling","ChangeLevel","SwitchLevel","Switch"],"attributes":{"switch":"on......

Heh, found this topic when trying to do a bulk data export to give Zooz engineers all the info about my Zen25 plugs.

And while the Maker API is very handy, it doesn't give you access to everything (state variables, preferences).

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