Background images in Dashboards on iOS

Hey everyone - seem to be encountering a few issues when it comes to custom CSS. To clarify, my code is working fine in a web browser, it only has trouble in the iOS app.

Two issues, though the first is very minor.

  1. When specifying a url for an asset (specifically for background-image ), in a normal web browser I can simply use a relative path like /local/asset.jpg , with the browser engine figuring out what domain to use based on where the page is currently loading from. But on iOS, for some reason, I have to hardcode this url ( in this situation). Not that big of a deal but a small inconsistency.

  2. The much bigger issue is that I can't make the background image scroll along with tiles on the iOS app. In a web browser this can be achieved with background-attachment: local , but this doesn't work on iOS. None of the other valid values ( scroll, fixed, initial, inherit ) seem to work either. Any ideas?

On the few dash's I have I rotate in animated gifs as backgrounds and just keep it there and let the buttons scroll over the background. That way you don't have to worry about that

That's not really going to work for me - the background image is a floor plan and needs to correspond 1:1 with the tiles on top of it.

Yeah in that case you're gonna be constrained to making the background to screen resolution I think... @gopher.ny can confirm