Automation doesn't turn on all lights

I have a couple of automations that I have setup in Rule Machine that don't work sometimes. I have a Z-Wave Zooz motion detector, that I have setup to turn on a couple of Z-Wave Enbrighten light switches. Most of the time it works, however, sometimes one light will come on, but the other stays off. Then very rarely, neither will come on. I also have an automation based upon sunrise and sunset. The rule machine is set to turn on a couple of lights (Z-Wave Switches) at sunset, and then turn them off at sunrise. Again, sometimes one of the lights will not turn off in the morning. How can I find out what is causing the automation to fail sometimes?

I'd say look at the logs and see if you see anything strange.

Gracefully shutting down, removing power, waiting 30 seconds, and then re-powering is my usual go-to move, and probably wont hurt.

edit: It just takes one misbehaving z-wave device, anywhere, to screw things up.

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