Automating a wooden curtain pole

this is the CAD for the last part.


Christ man, that looks amazing. Awesome idea too. I'll hang fire to see the finished result. That's genius.

Any updates?

im struggling with the code for the arduino. almost there but its taking far longer than id hoped.

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No Good, back to the drawing board. Its so noisy its just not going to work. Going for a re design using belts. Watch this space.

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Prototype 1 V2. Printing now.

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Well that one didnt work out well but these did, the last one is printing now, the code and all of the electronics are going well, hope to have a functional prototype tomorrow.



How's it going? Good news? =)

Also, THIS looks interesting...

Hi, i have it working with buttons on a bread board. dan is patiently trying to help me get it to work with HE

A link below to a vid on FB let me know if the link works.

Basically i have a functioning prototype that should actually be marketable i just need to sort out the app interface.

Yes ive seen this thanks, there are lots of versions for controlling blinds and many on here have automated them already with servos for the blind angle and small steppers for lifting.

Im the first for curtain poles though!! :wink:

That looks amazing. Very clean looking!

remote control via Blynk

Hate to burst your bubble :wink: :smiley: but

This is on my to do list using spectra line (often used on delta printers). But I got to applaud the motors integrated into the end holders - great job! :clap:

How much noise does your setup generate? That's one of the issues for me.


just goes to show that how ever much you search the internet!!

that instructables coulda saved me heaps of time! when i frst clicked on the youtube link of the heath robinson effort, i thought "my wife would never put up with that!) but the istructables is a whole different thing!

noise wise i wont know until i actually mount it on a wall, as the moment the motor resonates through the test mounts, but they are only printed a 10% infill and mounted on to an unsupported MDF.

once printed solid and mounted on a wall it will be a whole different kettle of fish and if its too noisy ill switch away from a stepper to a standard dc motor.

Just a quick update. Ive been called away to work and so things will slow down a bit. i now have the whole thing working reliably with alexa (cloudlessly). this means that with the use virtual switches i can integrate HE as well, and add it to dashboards.

facebook test of alexa control.

So all i need to do is:

design and fabricate a ring clamp to connect the lead curtain ring to the belt /wire
the same with some sort of housing for the electronics.
im also looking at using fishing line instead of belts and that will need a specialist pully design but that will be done after a full wall mounted bet prototype is up, on the wall and working.

@markvk42, that's amazing work.

I'd be curious to see the final product, and whether I could purchase one from yourself. Looks ace!

I love how much money, time and effort you’re putting into this to avoid the occasional disconnect from the cloud by a curtain bot :rofl:

But there is immeasurable value in what you’re learning and I assume you’re having fun, so that’s super cool. :+1:t2:

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lets get it working first! but im sure we can do a deal.

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not actually that much money really, but time is another matter! and yes ive learned loads and enjoyed the challenge.

as for the cloud, if you had an internet connection like mine youd understand :rofl:

curtainbot. not very reliable according to my research on here but i did consider them.