Automatic Hub Firmware Updates

I want to ping this thread again. My smart home, currently, is to set it & forget it until i think of a way to improve it. Litterally everything else, my Shellies, my homebridge, my pi hole, EVERYTHING either comes with an auto update toggle or a HTTP / bash way to update it, allowing cron to schedule an update. I understand the consequences of auto updating, and i am willing to take the risks. I am not asking for a lot of dev time - all i want is for the button that says "auto update" to be clicked via an HTTP post request. In this way, techy users who understand what they are doing can configure automatic updates via another pi or computer. Converesly, i am also fine with an auto-update toggle in settings, even if it comes with a hefty disclaimer. But, currently, hubitat is the only thing which i have to manually update, and i wish it could be changed. I do not understand why the devs are so averse to programming one button to be accessed by a webhook. You have coded such a great platform already, why not make it just that 1% better and listen to your users? Clearly, if something is implemented, such as a default-off toggle switch or http request, that does not change the hub's behavior by default, then how will it effect those who don't want updates? It is not forcing updates down one's throat; it is giving your users a choice between a feeding robot & a spoon, and some of your users want that feeding robot,

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