Automate existing plantation shutters?

Does anyone have any experience with automating/integrating existing plantation shutters into Hubitat? My house has them on every window, and there's no way I could financially justify replacing them all for "smart" shutters. I know the shuttereaze kickstarter project failed a long time ago, but saw this potential option from Tuya and wondered if it could be integrated via the Bluetooth gateway?{"sku_id"%3A"12000028514597877"}&pdp_npi=3%40dis!GBP!17.23!10.34!!!!!%402100b20d16787954858956116d0712!12000028514597877!sea!UK!0&curPageLogUid=VpV1bsZ8dzE2

I'm sure there are options out there, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by "plantation" shutters. Are these horizontal blinds on normal 4ft interior windows, or larger, heavier units on exterior windows?

These are plantation shutters

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