August Pro Z-Wave Lock: Migration From SmartThings

My hope is that this will help someone who is struggling to pair their Z-Wave Lock to SmartThings.


  • Owned the August Pro since 2017 (Gen 3) lock.
  • Originally paired to SmartThings before S2 was a thing.

Migration to Hubitat Attempt

  • I kept trying to pair this with S0 security and it would not work.

  • I tried pairing this to back to SmartThings (worked originally, but the pairing was back in 2018). This no longer worked trying S0 security.

  • At this point I knew I had to use S2 security.

Steps for Successful Pairing

  • Don't bother using S0 security, you must take the S2 route or it won't work.
  • Take off the faceplate of your August Lock and have this handy.
  1. Run Z-Wave Exclusion from Hubitat + August App.
  2. Run Z-Wave Inclusion from Hubitat + August App.
  3. Once detected, use the S2 security option from Hubitat.
  4. On the inside of the August Faceplate is the first 5 digits of your 'DSK' code (should be a Z-Wave sticker with a 5 digit code). Type this in and continue pairing.

Hopefully this works for someone else that may be struggling.


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