Audible Sound (not a siren)

I have a few triggers configured to send a notification on my phone via Pushover. I'd also like to have some kind of audible indication in the house that one of these triggers has been initiated but I don't want a siren. Perhaps just some sort of tone that can be easily heard but is not deafening.

What are my options?

Google Hone Mini and TTS works for me.
There’s also a small Dome chime that could be used.

Anything that you can trigger with a switch or button could be a candidate to be triggered with a dry contact relay - Z-Wave or Zigbee.

I just got in an Aeotec Siren 6 yesterday. When connected it setup a child device "Chime" that has 30 sounds with adjustable volume.

List of the sounds:

1=Ding Dong, 2=Ding Dong Tubular Bell, 3=Traditional Buzzer, 4=Electric Buzzer, 5=Westminster Chimes, 6=Chimes, 7=Cuckoo, 8=Traditional Bell, 9=Smoke Alarm (Low), 10=Smoke Alarm (High), 11=Fire Evacuation Buzzer, 12=Carbon Monoxide Sensor, 13=Klaxon, 14=Klaxon (Deep), 15=Warning Tone, 16=Tornado Siren, 17=Alarm, 18=Deep Alarm Tone, 19=Alarm (Archangel tone), 20=Alarm (Shrill), 21=Digital Siren, 22=Alert Series, 23=Bell, 24=Clock Buzzer, 25=Christmas Tree, 26=Gong, 27=Single Bell Ting, 28=Tonal Pulse, 29=Upwards Tone, 30=Door Open

I had no idea! That's a lot more than a siren. Thanks!

Google Home devices and text-to-speech (TTS) work well for us.

Apparently it has the same set of sounds as the doorbell, it just doesn't come with the button . . .

The only difference is the extra ($10 when I purchased) for the doorbell button. If the button was Zigbee or Z-wave, I would have opted for the doorbell over the siren.

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I'm thinking I'd like to have something that, once triggered, would run continuously until disarmed. This would cover things like having the garage freezer's compressor die and not noticing the notification on my phone. A chime that just sounds a few times and then stops would not cover situations where I might also be out of earshot of the chime when it initially goes off (e.g., if I happened to be outside when the freezer went south). Does the Aeotec have this capability? Does the HE have the capability to have the chime sound every minute or so until disarmed?

yep, you could set up Rules to keep chimes triggering until turned off.

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A couple of pages from Rule Machine:


Google Home mini does this but to use it with Echo dot I believe you need to mess about with renewing cookies every 2 weeks on a web server?
If it just works on Google Home I might swap over.

I use cheap connected speakers by eufy with a community driver called media renderer. This let's me play any mp3 I self host on a PC. They also do TTS just fine. I mostly play a ding to signal door opening. I replace it with bells around the holidays.

PS I keep the eufy microphone off, but they can also be used as an Alexa voice control device if you like.

Ok I have a few Google Mini spread out around the house. How do I play a sound on the Google Mini

I choose

Control music player, Volume, sounds
Sound Tone
Select Tone device

My Google Minis do not show up. Only my Siren

Have you added the Chromecast Integration App ?
That is a native HE App that remains in Beta but has not caused me any issues.
Then from the App run ‘discovery’.

@njanda. Yes this has been added months ago. I use the Google to speak in other rules.

Ok, then take a look here as it explains how to play a MP3 file that could be a "chime'.
see HERE