It take me to the group. I have not mentioned any devices there. may be that is the error.
Yes drivers are installed.
What do you mean by "mention" devices? Do you mean that you didn't select the master and slaves for the group and then finish installing the app? I'm a bit confused by what is going on.
Since you have all of the drivers and apps code installed, and since you mentioned the discovered devices being displayed, I can tell you are close. Make sure you select a group master in the "Select group master" input and at least one slave in the "Select slaves" input. Then click Done/OK at the bottom of the app page.
After that, you should see child devices created. Please keep the logs running while you do those steps, just in case it still doesn't work.
Thank you so much tomw. I deleted everything and re installed. Now i could see the two devices it created. will try using it to play music when my blink is pressed. crossing my fingers that it will work again thank you so much.
The device names and purposes might be confusing. Take a look at that readme in the "group usage" section to get an overview of what to use them all for. Good luck!
tomw: I have an Arylic amp that I bought a couple of months ago and I was pondering how I wanted to install it for part of my whole house audio. I have two Hubitat hubs that have been working for over a year now.
Your app for Hubitat just made my decision a WHOLE lot easier. Thank you.
Next project is to load your app using Package Manager after I read the docs and install my Arylic. Thanks for all your effort on getting this app developed.
I just checked in Package Manager for Arylic but didn't get any results. Is it called something else?
Interesting, it looks like I didn't add it to HPM, for reasons I don't recall. I'll go back and do that when I get a chance. Sorry for the confusion, especially since I laid on thick in this thread that it would be there.
In the meantime, here's a link to the code and installation instructions: Arylic - Whole home audio - #2 by tomw
Hee hee hee....We just call them "Brian Farts"......