I know, RM5 does not directly support Array of Variables.
In a short, I am looking for the way how to create an array of variables indirectly.
So, I am trying to create some sort of Virtual Variable Array.
For the test I created next set of Hub Variables:
The idea is to create a Variable which will be Value of "PlayMessage_X" variable
based on variable "PlayMessage_Idx".
Here is a test set of actions:
First line successfully created a variable "MessageToPlay" based on index
(index is a variable "PlayMessage_Idx")
Now I need to populate value for the variable "MP3_File" with actual file name
defined by variable "PlayMessage_1" (it should look like line-3) but based on
value of variable "MessageToPlay". The attempt to do this is on line-2 but the
result is : variable "MP3_File" is populated with value of "MessageToPlay" variable.
This actually the correct behavior.
But I am looking for the way for how to cascade variable population.
I understand, my description of what I am trying to do is not very clear but
I am not sure how to better describe this.