Arm/Disarm HSM with Lock Codes

Happy Tuesday to you all.

We're leaving town for the week and have someone coming over to let the dog out and check on the cats while we're away. Presence is working great with Locative on our phones, arming and disarming HSM as expected. When our friends come over to check the animals, we don't want to get intrusion alerts and we also don't want intrusion actions to run when they open the door.

I've set up two rules, "disarm with lock code" and "arm with lock code" when they arrive/depart and unlock/lock the front door, and their lock code is set up in lock code manager.

Disarming works great, but I can't get the arming rule to work, and it doesn't even log a trigger event. What am I missing here?



I've also tried using conditional expressions trying to clean it up into one rule, this doesn't work at all.

I think I have it working reliably enough now.

First I tried adding a condition to the required expression for when the front door is locked (with armed) and unlocked (with disarmed). That didn't really work.

Then I added a "front door locked and stays that way for 3 seconds" to the trigger in the arming rule, and a "front door unlocked and stays that way for 3 seconds" to the trigger in the disarming rule. This seems to work! I don't understand why the other ways wouldn't work, logically in my head they make sense. In HE's head, I guess they don't.

I'm sure it's all going to break when they go to the house for the first time.

I'd still like to have this written into one rule instead of two, but this will work for the time being.

Suggestions welcomed!

If they are game for setting up presence stuff on their phones, you could use presence detection to disarm when they are there. That might be easier overall.

Too late for that I’m afraid and I’d like it to be completely passive, even to the point of not asking for something on their phones. If I can get it set up the way I want, no big deal for anything moving forward. If you have a door code, you’re good to go.

What brand of lock are you using? My Schlage BE469 can be locked from outside with key or pressing the Schlage logo which does not report a lock code (reports as “thumb turn”). Your rule won’t trigger in these situations. How are you handling these situations?

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It’s a Yale Assure SL. It can lock either by putting your palm against the touchpad or by code, I have mine set to require a code to lock. Had some false locking while closing the door and now have a big dented area in the casing by the latch. So I’m entering a code to both lock and unlock.