Arm/Disarm Arlo using Node-RED

I have the exact same issue, which username and password should I use?
My e-mail and password from my. arlo. com ?

Though it isn't optimal one thing that can be done is either use Smartthings hub or just simply a cloud based Smartthings setup with Hubconnect to link to Hubitat. That is what i am doing currently.

Arlo just upgraded their integration with Smartthings to use 2fa and use the new Smartthings API. If you pass the devices through hubconnect as motion and sound sensors it can see those actions. Then just change the device on Hubitat to the Arlo devices driver.

The new Smartthings integration exposes almost all of the features of the cameras and so far pretty much presents almost all of the functions on the devices. You can even trigger recordings.

It is a round about way to do it, but since Arlo is cloud already it shouldn't make much difference.

Can you activate a custom mode yet?
Huh, didn't think so.
I really regret buying Arlo.

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I was doing this until it broke last week with their "seamless migration" to a new integration... still isn't functioning for me, unfortunately.

Since the recent 2FA change, I have resigned to using IFTTT, luckily I use it for literally nothing else so the 3 applet limit does not matter, but I just have a virtual switch in HE that is controlled by my presence or by my manual override and then then I have two IFTTT applets that each change Arlo alarm mode correspondingly.

IMO the latency with this method is negligible and looking back in the history it has only failed once, but honestly I never noticed.

That said, not a great solution and I do not particularly like it, but it works and it is a hell of lot better than the geofencing from arlo, and I do not own a SmartThings hub so until I replace this system entirely, this will have to do.

You don't need a smartthings hub to setup Arlo integration. Since it is all cloud based you just need a smartthings account and setup a location like it is a full wifi setup. There is no doubt there integration is going through some growing pains right now though. Once the get it stable it will be nice.

You don't need to use custom modes. You set them up in armed mode and then let your automation system determine when to have them active. That can be either Smartthings or HE. Just a little bit more work to make HE trigger recordings. But you can control all the cameras now once they get the new integration stable.

Hopefully they will keep at it until it is stable. It is kind of a pita right now. I wrote Arlo Assistant and i really want the new integration to be succesful because once it works that app is basically not needed.

How to control Arlo cameras from HE? The only ways I know are Node-RED (which doesn't work with 2FA which is now enforced by Arlo) and IFTTT (which can only arm & disarm the entire base station).

Regarding custom modes, if you mean arm the base station and use your automation system to decide on motion which camera to record video to, then please show me how to do that from HE (eg. I refer you to my point above).

Once who gets it stable? I don't understand which integration to HE you are talking about. If you mean the ST integration then I don't intend to dust off my ST hub and reconnect it for this. I think HE should have a native integration with Arlo. For now I just use IFTTT to arm/disarm and let every camera record whenever they sense motion directly.

Smartthings has completely revamped there integration over the last month and half to use the new Smartthings Restful api. Pretty much all of the arlo cameras are now part of the integration prior to that change the integration only went up to the Pro2 line. This new integration has also enabled the ability to trigger recordings from Smartthings automatons and use the devices that have built in siren abilities like the Pro3/Ultra and the new video Doorbell to be used with those functions. What I am proposing is using the Hub Connect with the new integration to provide HE access to those functions. Basically you turn Smartthings into your IFTTT or Node red server then.

The method to set this up should be pretty straight forward.

  1. Get a Smartthings location setup with or hub or without.
  2. Link your Arlo Account to it.
  3. Setup Hub connect to link your HE to the Smartthings location.
  4. Once they are linked you will share the cameras as motion devices and switch back to HE
  5. In HE change the device handler for the cameras to the Hubconnect Arlo camera device handler.
  6. Setup a virtual switch for triggered camera recordings between HE and Smartthings for each camera. You can setup the virtual switch on either side. Then share the virtual switch
  7. If you want to trigger the Sirens as well setup a virtual switch for that as well.
  8. Setup a automation in Smartthings that says when those virtual switches setup in steps 6 and 7 are flipped on to turn run the camara or siren action you want.
  9. Setup the rules in HE to trigger your recordings or sirens

This isn't perfect as you are depending on connectivity between your hub, Smartthings, and Arlo. But it is better then what we have right now from HE and is no different then using a Node red server or IFTT as a intermediary.

It isn't custom modes in the traditional sense of Arlo. All a custom mode is us defining rules around when a camera is active and when it is not. Each Arlo camera has a switch function in Smartthings and we replicate it to HE with the above method. You can in a sense create custom modes by defining complex rules around when the cameras are on or off. That is what I did with the Arlo Assistant smartapp wrote for Smartthings. For example with Arlo Assistant its criteria to know when it's rule sets would activate. Basically you had the option to say between these times and only in this mode these rules are functional. This meant that the mode was present in Smartthings instead of Arlo. At that point Arlo was simply waiting for the command to record and to know if a camera should be on our off. With Hubconnect creating the link between Arlo on Smartthings and HE, HE can do that as well. It can probably done with something like Rule Machine, or Webcore, or heck maybe even Arlo Assistant wold run here as well. I haven't tried it, but it isn't impossible.

I am refering to the Smartthings/Arlo folks getting that integration working reliably. When it has worked for me so far it has been nice, but it is clear it isn't flawless right now. I totally get that.

It seems allot of folks have a pretty strong dislike for Smartthings over here and that is fine. I am just presenting an option that seem very doable. As i understand it Hubconnect does not need a hub to actually connect to on the smartthings side anymore so that is atleast one less device to run just for this potential Arlo integration.

I don't disagree that this isn't the most optimal method, and it would be nice if HE did Integrate with Arlo directly. But it currently isn't, so i am working with what I have available to me now. My problem is I have looked at the other optoins and they all are flawed and just in general IFTTT doesn't make sense to me now if you don't want to pay for it.

Thanks for the detailed reply. It makes sense but I certainly won't restart using my ST hub for this.

A simple Arlo arm/disarm is 2 IFTTT applettes and so is free :wink:

Again, I just wish Hubitat would provide integrations with popular devices/systems such as Arlo.

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I don't think you need a smartthings hub with hubconnect 2.0.

I think my issue is I want to do more then simply arm and disarm. I want to integrate my other sensors into arlo. I want to integrate it with my alarm system. I want to use it's sirens when my alarm system triggers an event. All of that is possible with this method through Smartthings as a middle man.

I understand and of course local integration would certainly be best.

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Well for giggles I wanted to see how hard it would be to port over my Arlo Assistant app to work in HE the way discussed above through smartthings new integration. Well it wasn't to hard. If any have interest, I can go ahead and formalize it a bit more and then officially releaese it.


I'd be interested. My main aim would be to tie in mode settings with HSM, but additional functionality would always get used.


Was wondering how hard that would be. I'd definitely take a look at it if you were to release it.

I do the same. I will not turn my ST hub back on, even for Arlo. I am still receiving notices (almost daily) of ST platform outages. In this case, the argument that it's going to be cloud regardless is a moot point. ST goes down on a regular basis. IFTTT, for all my own issues with it, is still stable (or at least MORE stable than ST)

I totally understand not wanting to go through all of the mess of setting up your ST hub again. I do believe that you can use the newest version of HubConnect without a hub though so that shouldn't stop you exactly. Just need to open the app on your phone and setup the location, and then Hubconnect with it.

I have just moved from Smartthings to Hubitat as my primary hub about a month ago and though I totally get what you are saying it is a bit situational. I have had pretty good experience other then some known issues. Recently they have been pushing allot of changes. Particularly around Arlo Integration as well since it has been completely revamped and using the new API schema. As of late they have had a few outages in the last few weeks. I still think this is promising due to the potential. Obviously time will tell.

To your point to the only things I really have Smartthings doing now is handling my Alarm since I have the ADT Smartthings Panel, and Arlo. other then that every single device is attached to my Hubitat, and is managed through it.

I created a new thread to keep the discussion going about Arlo Assistant if anyone wants to join it. It is at Discusson of port of Arlo Assistant


Just in case, if this helps, I created my own flow without using the Arlo node, as I could not make it work so far. You can find it here. I will also add another flow showing how to detect new videos captured after motion detection and stored in the library.

http s://

But it doesn't do basestation arm/disarm or respond to motion detection right? I'm still having to use IFTTT for these right now, sigh.