Are "legacy" dashboards going the way of rule machine legacy?

The work on Easy Dashboards is great, and I think it will be very helpful for people starting out with Hubitat, or importing straightforward existing legacy dashboards.

My concern is that the focus will now be on Easy Dashboards, with the development on legacy dashboards left behind. There are features announced or promised for Easy Dashboards that aren't available on legacy--such as text labels and url links. Will those also be added to legacy dashboards? (I'm encouraged by the addition of drag-and-drop to legacy, although at the moment it doesn't work as well as Smartly.)

I saw a mention that the way legacy dashboards are set up limits development going forward. Is this the case? In other words, are legacy dashboards a dead end?

For the dashboards I currently have, I don't see easy dashboards being a replacement, at least not now. Below is an annotated screenshot of one of my dashboards, which shows the type of things that can't currently be done in Easy Dashboards (as far as I know).


Thank you for your feedback. Your concerns are valid, but I want to assure you that Easy Dashboard is not meant to be a replacement of Hubitat Dashboard, nor that improvements to the Hubitat Dashboard will stop.

The key difference between them, at least for the foreseeable future, is that Hubitat Dashboard offers tile customization features that are beyond the scope of the Easy Dashboard.

In its current phase, Easy Dashboard seeks a feature complete set of pre-made tiles for the built-in drivers and services. Future updates will likely accommodate custom drivers, but there is no time-frame when that might happen.


Legacy isn't going anywhere any time soon. Think of it more like Basic Rules and Rule Machine. EZ is great for beginners. For more complicated dashboards, you want the original.


Great to know. Obviously your resources are finite, and there is a lot of energy going into Easy Dashboards at the moment; I'm glad to hear you haven't forgotten about the OG.


You ain't kidding. My day drinking money is getting low... (I'm just a Hubitat Fan, not staff. I'm simply relaying what they've already talked about publicly)