Are all Rule-2.5 Rules DEAD?

I paused one of my Rule-2.5 rules today, a simple one at that. When I went to resume it, I get the error below. AND...I get the same error when I try to open ANY Rule-2.5 rules now. 3.0 and 4.0 rules open fine. PLEEEEASE HELLLP!!!! I have rebooted, I am running the latest and greatest update as well.

I don't have this behavior, I suggest restoring the database

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What do you see in the logs (as suggested by this error message) when you try to do this? That may help staff narrow down the problem. Rule 2.5 should not be "dead"--the Rule Machine author often mentions that his own hub has rules dating back to the original Hubitat version.

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I have all 4 Rule vintages running on one hub, and have not seen this.


I got exactly that will all my old 2.5 rules. I ended up deleting them (you can still delete via the "gear" icon to the left of the rule name; then scroll down to the bottom) and recreating them as Rule 4.0s.

Here is a log entry for one of the rules after I just click on the rule to try and open it:

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Tagging @bravenel for the apparent Rule 2.5 issue above.

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Rule 2.5 hasn't been touched for some time.

However, it looks like this is a problem with Scenes. Open Groups and Scenes (parent app) and hit Done. See if that clears it up.

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WOWWWW.....You 'Da Man...Thank You Sir! All seems good now....Whewwwwwwww!

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