Aqara Temperature Sensor - No Reports


I recently purchased one of these temperature sensors made by Aqara. It paired onto my Zigbee network just fine and I tied it to a custom driver.

After nearly a month of having it set up, it has not updated at all. The most recent reading in the event log was from less than an hour after I added it to my network and the temperature has not changed at all. Not sure what's going on with it.

Has anyone else tried to use these sensors with any luck?

If anything these things report in every hour with the battery report. You should hopefully see that in the log.

One of other issue with these things is that they dont play nice with all zigbee routing devices. Dropping off the network is a symptom.

What other zigbee devices do you have that could be a router? Mainly hard wired devices and not battery powered.


I do have four of them (Aqara WSDCGQ11LM) working since almost two years without issues.

Most of them reach my hub through IKEA repeaters.

Fully reliable for me. Not even changed the battery, although from their battery reporting they seem to be the most battery consuming as compared to their wireless switches, buttons, door and movement sensors.

As @gavincampbell mentioned, people tend to have very variable experiences with aqara devices that use non-standard zigbee profiles. Building a mesh with repeaters that cater to these temperamental sensors seems to be key.

I binned the aqara sensors I bought because even with trafardi repeaters they wouldn't stay on the mesh. I switched to the Sonoff ones and they've been solid....

I just purchased the Aqara Temperature and Humidity sensor. It paired just fine with Hubitat C7 that I have. However, I'm at a loss as to how to get the data from it.
Any thoughts?

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If you go to the device page for it you should see the temp/humidity. These can be used to trigger a rule or displayed on a dash tile

Thanks for these replies. I found the driver in Package Manager and have it installed. I created three tiles, one for temperature, one for humidity, and one for the battery level on my dashboard. I would like to see if there is a way to display all three on one tile though.

Tile master, also in HPM. Can also be done in Hubivue

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Great! Thanks...

Temp sensors are working like a charm. Thanks for all the help.

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What did you end up using?

I'm just using three tiles at the moment as I have some issues with my Fire tablets. Once this is fixed I will be integrating temp/hum/batt all in the same tile.

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That's pretty cool.
How did you do these?

@gslender 's Hubivue.

Thanks. Not sure I like giving access? I prefer to have everything local.

All 100% local (well unless you're on the road then it goes through Hubitats cloud servers like their normal app does)

you can try this, using google spreadsheets: Show Off Your Dashboards! - #1792 by andcan