Aqara pushbutton using community driver


The Aqara button is recognised and works but is reported as '3 button' when in fact there is only 1.

Do I need to configure something.

Any assistance appreciated.


I use this driver for all my Xiaomi/Aquara devices. My buttons show up fine.


That's the same driver being used by @chrisg. It isn't maintained any more (@veeceeoh's drivers aren't being maintained either). Currently, the only maintained driver for Xiaomi devices is the universal driver from @chirpy, which also covers Aqara buttons.

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Each capability is a "button" , push=1, hold=2, release=3, for that one physical button.
Perform each action and watch the device logs, you'll see. It's so you can name the buttons in the rules and button controller

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Many thanks all for the information, I will research the "button" option and go from there.

Thanks for your help.

I will try removing and re-discovering to see if things change.

Sorry guys. I pasted the wrong URL to the driver. Indeed that's the old and I am using the one from @chirpy which is awesome. Thanks!

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