This thing's Illuminance reading is whacked. replaced battery and same... Any hacks something to reset it?
batteryLastReplaced : 2020-07-31 09:28:55
driver : v0.7.1.0713b
illuminance : 3576843.0
lastCheckin : 2020-07-31 09:29:46
notPresentCounter : 0
presence : present
restoredCounter : 1
July 31, 2020, 1:36pm
I would recommend reposting this in the main thread for @markus ' driver for this device (in general that is a good practice for all community-derived apps and drivers):
NOTE: Xiaomi / Aqara Zigbee devices are NOT officially supported or guaranteed to work on HE, with that said, many users use them very successfully and without issues.
This is a driver for the Xiaomi Lux sensor , I received this device 3 days ago and wrote the driver the next day. As such, this is not well tested. It is however very close to feature complete. I release this earlier than I had planned since I see people are asking for a working driver.
Please report any issues in t…
Others in that thread (including me) have observed the same issue, with a possible solution indicated .
September 22, 2022, 5:41pm
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