Aqara GZCGQ11M Lux Sensor Driver

Thank you for the feedback, Bruno!

In the updated version timeStamp : "2023/05/16 6:38 AM" I have removed two trace logging that I forgot in the previous version. In the next update I will add a configurable Lux reporting time, currently, it is hardcoded to 10 seconds and sends updates too frequently.

The lux readings also seem way too high in my opinion... Do you have a lux sensor that you can trust to compare the lux values? Comparision is not easy, as the two sensors must be put in equal conditions so that the readings can be compatible.

will this adapt the time the sensor sends data or is it the hub that accepts an update on x time?

maybe important to say the high values are the moments when I used a flash light.

Those are the values today each hour, 8 a clock the blinds go's up, between 12 an 13u the sun is leaving the room:
dev:2594 16/05/2023 21:00:15.865 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 43 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 20:00:02.196 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 129 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 19:00:43.185 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 166 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 18:00:18.280 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 592 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 17:00:04.197 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 640 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 16:00:03.019 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 564 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 15:00:09.016 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 578 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 14:00:04.864 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 712 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 13:00:05.495 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 1060 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 12:00:10.860 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 2040 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 11:00:06.155 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 2791 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 10:00:01.454 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 932 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 09:00:11.405 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 1164 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 08:00:22.281 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 858 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 08:00:16.923 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 206 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 08:00:11.996 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 46 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 08:00:11.938 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 46 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 07:59:42.050 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 13 Lux
dev:2594 16/05/2023 07:59:32.087 info Living Light Sensor illuminance is 14 Lux
There are moments the value was up to 3000 Lux when the sun was on the sensor

Nope, but not a big deal because I will use the values the sensor is giving me, If the Lux is not correct, no issue, I only have a problem when the sensor wil give different value's when the light has the same intensity, fingers crossed:-)

A typo in the debug message :slight_smile:
[debug] Living Light Sensor no response received (sleepy debice)

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hey @kkossev : i've added a third sensor from fresh using this version of the driver and it works! however, the other two totally refuse. so i'm thinking i've either got 2 dud ones (very possible) or they're somehow not taking the new version of the driver properly. do you know how i do a hard factory reset on them to test that theory?

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@iandogherty you can do the following:

  • Locate the 'REMOVE DEVICE' red button on the device web page.
  • Click on the Aqara T1 lux sensor button first, then click on the remove button in the browser.
  • Pair the sensor as a new device to HE.

There a risk of removing devices and trying to pair them again to HE lately, and I do not do it anymore. But if your devices are not working at the moment, there is nothing to lose in your case ...

Update: I have the older Aqara Light sensor device (different than the T1 model), but it is difficult to pair it to HE as well. You will need to try several times, experiment with pairing it very close to the HE hub or just the opposite- away from the hub and close to a zigbee repeater.

What worked for me is to delete it first (‘Remove device’ button) if there were no Lux reading, then try to pair it again to HE. Repeat several times until it works.

Before trying again, update the driver to the latest version. It adds configuration of the illuminance reporting periods.

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