Aqara Button.. Hub Needed?


Does anyone use the Aqara button? If so, do I need the Aqara hub to accompany it?

There are several different models of Aqara (Xiaomi) buttons. Which one is yours?
It must be paired directly to your HE hub as a Zigbee device. Then, depending on the model, it may be supported natively by HE inbuilt drivers, or you may need to use a community driver.

It's the "wireless mini switch" . WXKG11LM. I tried to pair as a zigabee device, and directly as Aqara button with no luck.

I joined one to a C-8 Pro on the first attempt (with the Aqara Zigbee Mini Switch driver). No issues in operation. Perhaps a factory reset on the switch and another attempt.

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This is exactly the Aqara button model that is now supported natively in Hubitat.
Pairing some of the Aqara battery-powered devices may require several attempts... Do you see the LED flashing three times while the pairing button is pushed down for 5 or more seconds? Try pairing close to you hub.

Thank you! I needed to go closer to the hub.

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