"App Store" for Hubitat

I have used SmartThings for a couple of years, but the last two months I have tested/used Athom Homey. I'm now converting to Hubitat (really looking forward to it, but waiting for my hub!). One thing that I will really miss from the Athom Homey hub is the "app store". You just search for the prefered app/device, click install and the hub does the rest.

If you implement this hubitat will be even more miles ahead of ST and other SmartHome hubs

have a look here for the inspiration:


Just to add, the community can submit apps that Athom do a quality check on before they are allowed to be published.

With apps in the Homey world it is really device support and smart apps. (They do not differ)

Thanks. This has been in our plans for a while now. We will get to it...


Wow, that is a really nice approach. Much better than sifting through threads, asking, hunting, trying, failing. No other hub I've used has such a friendly interface for apps/drivers.


Awesome idea!!!!

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Yes very good idea - and the app store can have their own step by step instructions with access to the "latest" code. Love it

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One other thing they have as well is templates for adding devices. So if i want to add a Fibaro Power socket, i choose fibaro and
the Fibaro power socket in a list. When I click next, the instructions on how to activate pairing on the device is shown with text and pictures. (So now manuals is needed). You then click add and the pairing starts.

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@prj_84 I'm interested to know what you thought of homey? I was looking at it when I decided I needed local processing, but ended up coming to hubitat because of the simple switch over and Webcore.

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I really like the Homey interface and that it supports «all» protocols. (Ir/BT/433MHz/866MHz/z-Wave/zigbee). Large community, really easy app store, logging with nice interface with graphs. As far as I know there is just a Euro version.

What is wrong: Needs a update, many buggs with zigbee core, they are removing browser comfig (just ios/android apps from 2.0 update).

Only 15 people is working for Athom, so development is slow, been waiting for 2.0 update for 2 years. Poor zigbee core is the reason that I’m looking for domething else. (Sinze 95% of my devices is zigbee)

Yeah, this looks fantastic. It's a lot of trouble searching for updated code for Hubitat, and I often end up just putting it off.

Well Hubitat is proof that a small team can be effective, accurate and fast. Sounds like there is some other "disease" eating Ahtom from the inside out. It happens.

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I was on the original kickstarter for Homey. Sounded a great idea, but as you say, from day one and onwards it was just full of bugs that made it unworkable. Also by the time it came out, Alexa (and possibly Siri...) took its 'major' feature.

What is good about it, is that it's JavaScript-based; therefore the community has more mass potential, rather than many other hubs.

It's a shame some of these smaller teams don't join forces to create the almighty all-in-one solution, local processing hub, all protocols, app stores and the rest. HA standards...? we can all dream.

I would love to start working on something like that. Someone give me a place to put it and I'll work on it on my spare time. I'm stalled with HA for a while, so I might as well find something to do.

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Stalled? What happened?

Not stalled. Just checking into things a bit.

?? Mystery and intrigue :wink:

As much as I don't like wink. They have the device steps for pairing and reset which is a major plus for regular users.

Just running out of ideas with what to automate.

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Give us a list of what you have automated. Can't be full.

My list is definitely not full. As you know, I just smartened up my cell phone docks, but my imagination is not bringing anything more to the table for me. Mainly my lights, doors, and tv's/entertainment are all automated. I have some smart home monitoring. My cameras are not integrated. They're cheap and incompatible, it seems. So, I'm left with what to do next? I want something fun. I don't want to do christmas lights. It's like writer's block or something. It sucks.