App geofencing or presence devices?


Hi, please can I ask you how you do the Life360 refresh (is it in RM4) if so, please show me your rule you are using, would really appreciate it.

Thank you

I did this to 3 of mine. Works great! One in each vehicle. Not hard to do.

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Sure, can't quite remember to be honest. But I have a device set up like this...

And then I just selected the option in the dashboard, like this...

It works well. I clicked it earlier and it set my presence properly to home. Normally don't need to do it, but sometimes Life360 skips a beat. Hence the need for a Combined Presence approach.

And here's my Combined Presence rule, in case it helps or provides some inspiration :smile:

This combination seems to be 100% reliable for me.

And here finally is my 'Everyone is out' set a virtual switch (I don't use a mode for Away... I prefer to keep Modes for time-based management (Day, Evening, Night) and Virtual switches for if we are in bed or out etc.). It is much easier in my opinion than muddling up status with time.

Once this switch is set or unset, that control lights, HSM arm/disarm, AC etc. in other rules.

I use Guest Mode (another Virtual Switch, not actually a mode) if we have guests staying with us (and give them the Iris fob) and I also have a setting for if we rent the place on Airbnb (so that our presence doesn't then control stuff).

Thank you, I am trying to work out how to create that Refresh app, I tried with a virtual device, using the Application Refresh Button driver, but it keeps saying

2020-04-11 18:48:12.874 infoParent app not found!, install this driver as a child device from an application, after which the commands push() and refresh() will call parent.refresh()

Not sure where to create this child device?

Yeah seen that. But the idea is to give the key fob to guests (who may not have a car and prefer a small device). I agree that's a good solution for a car and especially the home owner. But to be honest I don't really see the point because I have a phone in my pocket that's always charged (particularly if I'm arriving by car) and will connect to the home wifi about as quick as the Smartthings presence sensor will connect to my zigbee mesh. So I think the mobile WiFi presence is a really good approach along with Life360/Hubitat and a presence sensor maybe as an additional backup. Multi-faceted Combined Presence is definitely the most robust way to set up reliable presence sensing.

I found that the battery drain on our Iphones using the HE app presence was horrible and was not very reliable as well. Since going to this method and turning off location on HE app it now uses about 1% battery running all the time. Before it was the batteries worst offender. Also this method has been 100% reliable.

This is an interesting idea. I suspect the same thing could be done with an Iris 1st gen Keyfob or a 2nd gen Smart Fob. However, since we only have one vehicle and since I often am out while my wife is at home, it would not necessarily work for us. I really like the idea of less expensive batteries that last longer. It could possibly be adapted for use with contact sensors or buttons where appearance is not a big factor.