App Config Page - File Upload

Hello All,

This is my first post, however; I have been tinkering around with Hubitat Apps for a while now mostly focusing on the raw socket drivers.

I wanted to get feedback regarding uploading of structured config data from another system. The data can be pasted into a text area (shown below), albeit sometimes quite large in size.

I would rather the user simply upload the file via the configuration menu and parsed on the back end once the file is posted.

The following section kind of works:

section("UPE Configuration", hideable:true , hidden:true){
                input name: "upeFile", type: "file", title: "Upstart UPE File Contents", description: "Select your UPE file"
                input name: "loadUpeFile", type: "button", title: "Load Configuration", width: 2

What's interesting is it allows for a file picker to display, but I can't seem to read any of the file data and the filename is 'C:\fakepath\Sample.upe' as expected. Has anyone used the config page to load saved config files e.g. json, csv to configure their app?

I’ll have to check my code library to see if I’ve ever used the file picker control, but file uploads are certainly doable.