Apixu.com worldwide weather data with outside lux. No PWS or server setup

Updated mytile, resized the image to get back some space, added current forecast text. You will have to adjust the dashboard's font size, or set the tile size, to fit the text into the tile.

Update: there appears to be an issue with the tile's font-size not following the page setting. When the page is set to fontsize 12 generates the following html. At fontsize 8 it is 24px.

<span class="attribute resize mytile mid" style="font-size: 36px;">
Warren, New Jersey<br>37°F 64%<br>06:55 <img style="height:1em" src="https://cdn.apixu.com/weather/64x64/day/122.png"> 16:34<br>NE 7mph<br>Moderate or heavy snow showers

def mytext =obs.location.name + ', ' + obs.location.region
if (isFahrenheit)
	mytext+='<br>' + "${Math.round(obs.current.temp_f)}" + '&deg;F ' + obs.current.humidity + '%'
	mytext+='<br>' + localSunrise + ' <img style="height:1em" src=https:' + obs.current.condition.icon + '> ' + localSunset
	mytext+='<br>' + obs.current.wind_dir + ' ' + "${Math.round(obs.current.wind_mph)}" +'mph'
	mytext+='<br>' + obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.condition.text
	mytext+='<br>' + obs.current.temp_c + '&deg;C ' + obs.current.humidity + '%'
	mytext+='<br>' + localSunrise + ' <img style="height:1em" src=https:' + obs.current.condition.icon + '> ' + localSunset
	mytext+='<br>' + obs.current.wind_dir + ' ' + obs.current.wind_kph +'kph'
	mytext+='<br>' + obs.forecast.forecastday[0].day.condition.text
sendEvent(name: "mytile", value: mytext, isStateChange: true, displayed: true)


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