http://10.2.0.??:5000/webapi/entry.cgi?api=SYNO.SurveillanceStation.ExternalEvent&method="Trigger"&version=1&eventId=99&eventName="This is external event99"&account="user"&password="pass"
This works fine from any other browser, or tasker, just not webCoRE.
Any work-arounds?
Did I post this in the wrong area?
I have the same problem but with a different URL. I get a 403 error, Forbidden. Here is the link but with the appid x'ed out:[//place:80132//]%20[//date:10-25-24//]%20[//time:7:42%20am//]&3F&appid=xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
Any idea what would cause this problem? This URL works fine in all the browsers I tried.