Anything for local voice notifications? Trying to not Google or Alex

Wondering what "local" based solutions to having a voice notifications that aren't particularly pricey. Or is that not a thing, lol. I remembered Sonos from the past. Not cheap I remember.


The Ikea Symfonisk speakers are basically Sonos hardware. The cheapest among them is $99, and the sound quality is excellent. All the Symfonisk speakers work with Hubitat's Sonos integration.


Nice, I will look into these. I suppose I can't ask for much cheaper. Luckily, maybe only need 2-3. Thank you.

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There are cheaper choices, like Chromecast devices, but I have no experience with them. Hopefully others who do know more about them will chip in with the details.

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Ah, yeah, sorta trying to stay away from stuff that has comms with the mothership. I do realize it hardly matter with the phones etc we have around and we may as well assimilate.

Dedicated smart speakers with microphones just freak me out for some reason. Should just get over it I suppose. Thanks again!