'Anyone working on Flair Puck support?

I was interested in Flair Pucks.. but when they didn't support smart hubs such as Smarthings and Hubitat - I moved along - but I went back and asked about providing support - or documentation to: hello@flair.co. Here's their reply:

Hello Steve,

Thank you for your interest in Flair! I will pass your comments to our management and engineering teams.

Flair doesn't have a supported integration for SmartThings, but there is an unsupported integration available here:
*** No longer supported *** [RELEASE] FLAIR DEVICES with new capabilities for building physical zones in your home and controlling your mini/window splits, portable heaters/coolers - Community Created Device Types - SmartThings Community

Flair has not internally validated or tested this integration and using it will be at your own risk. Also, it may not be free.

We also have open API so customers can design a solution that is tailor-made for their use case. The documentation at Flair API has information on authentication and examples of how to do many common actions - read temperatures, open/close vents, adjust set points, control a mini split, etc.

There is an example python client available at GitHub - flair-systems/flair-api-client-py: Python Client for Flair API and a few additional examples available at GitHub - flair-systems/flair_api_client_python_examples.

Please let me know if I can provide any further information.

Best Regards,

Flair Customer Support

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See my Hubitat thread below:

I've closed up my place for the winter and haven't selected a 3rd party t-stat. The maker of my mini-split provides a wifi thermostat - but the device and app are horrible. I figured I look into thermostats again in the warm weather - but this is good to know! Thanks!

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