Anyone Using Z-Wave Beam Motion Sensors For Outdoor Perimeter Monitoring?

Hello everyone,

Can anyone recommend a z-wave beam motion sensor technology that is supported by HE?

I think I would like to try this vs. the more wide-spread coverage offered by many other motion sensors.

The problem I am having is with outdoor animals (mainly cats) due to the number of false alerts. It is making the use of outdoor motion detection meaningless and the sleep interruptions no longer tolerable :-(.

I have tried adjusting the combined settings of motion sensitivity, duration of motion, the combination of the tripping of two or more motion sensors within seconds of each other, and the wait times before alarm triggers to no avail.

If anyone can recommend beam technology OR a motion sensor and settings approach that can be used outdoors (preferably Z-Wave) to provide early notice of movement around the property I would appreciate it.

I am just assuming that Beam technology might be more focused and therefor greatly reduce the possibility of false alarms but I know what assuming can do :-).

As always, appreciate the community's expertise.


Although not zwave sensors I use Dakota outdoor motion sensors tied to a Zooz multi-relay to detect motion which is very reliable. Basically when motion goes off it closes a contract tied to the Zooz and then zwave to Hubitat.

Never crossed my mind. Thank you !!

This is what I do.

Thanks for your reply. Iā€™m not seeing any details on your implementation in the response. I would like to know more about it when you have time.


I have a similar setup, but i use a Zwave water leak sensor. Take the water sensor itself and cut it off, strip the two wires out and tie them across the leads of the dry contact normally open on the beam , i use:

A water leak sensor that works well for this is by Aeotec.
Hope that helps - works great. Just write your app to trigger for "wet" on the sensor and thats when the beam relay closes. Have fun jj

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Thank you. I am liking this more "localized" design since I will have 5 of these to run.


Sharing my assembly of the 1st unit. Goal was to minimize the wiring and to have a self contained, localized unit. Assembly and and HE rules were easy thanks to JJackson75080!!

Thanks to other members of the the community for their insight as well. What a great group. The possibilities are endless with HE and this group!

When the weather gets warmer I will mount it outside. After a few weeks of testing I will report back the results of the monitoring.


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Wanted to update everyone on the switch to the Enforcer Beam Sensor vs. general motion sensors. In the two weeks I have installed 3 units. I have not had a single false trip. What a difference! They are 100% reliable and what I needed for outdoors motion detection. Although not ample time for testing the hardware MTBF yet or battery life of the water sensor; however based on what I am seeing and JJackson75080's recommendations, I would recommend this setup for anyone looking to do motion detection outside at this point.

Here is my setup:

Hardware installation

Rule - Checks for leak sensor wet condition. Best described by JJackson 75080 in the above thread. He was very helpful in getting me under way. My rule turns on monitor, captures motions and displays on monitor.
