Anyone used Trådfri Remote or Dimmer?

What a bummer of a thread this turned out to be. I'd been contemplated the move to HE for weeks now, finally on Friday after yet another ST cloud outage I pulled the trigger on the C7. Arriving Monday.

Been reading up on Rule Machine, device compability and such but had completely missed that my existing Ikea Trådfri motion sensors, 5-button and 2-button controllers would not work.

Since I use the Ikea buttons as actual buttons rather than just on/off/color for lights etc that means HE is a no-go. I mean, the motion sensors are OK, I could swap them out for a different make/model without much of a problem, but the buttons.. While there are others out there I have too many of them already to just replace them on a whim, not to mention the custom 3d printed switch-"covers" I have made etc.

Guess the HE is going right back to the dealer when it arrives :roll_eyes: oh well, should have double checked compability before ordering and not just assumed that everyone sorted out compability simultaneously.

Sorry for ranting on. Just suddenly felt the need to vent a little. Back to the drawing board I guess. I hesr HAss is a good alternative..

If you otherwise like Hubitat, it should be noted that there are ways to integrate the devices with Hubitat, just not by "natively" pairing them as Zigbee devices. Perhaps I should update my original post to add these options. You can read about them elsewhere and perhaps also above, but Home Assitant itself with one of its Zigbee options is one of them, though with most of those you don't get a way to integrate them into Hubitat without virtual "proxy" devices. DeCONZ is one exception, since it's sort of like a Hue Bridge and you can integrate it to both Hubitat and Home Assistant (community driver required for Hubitat). It's also possible Hubitat will add support for them at some time, but that's not likely in the near future (and possibly never).

But yeah, verifying compatibility is always a good idea. :slight_smile: There are lots of hubs on the market right now, so hopefully you find one that meets your needs! But since nothing works with everything, lots of people end up combining multiple things to get exactly what they want. For me, Hubitat has stock or community integrations for some other things I use to supplement the bulk of my devices (and almost all automations) that are on Hubitat, like my Hue Bridge ad Lutron RA2 system (or Caseta, which I also used to use)--the latter of which has my favorite button devices, though I understand the appeal of the cheap Ikea ones (but unlike most Lutron products, it should be noted that Picos aren't that expensive once you get past the initial bridge/repeater hurdle...not to distract you too much!).

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I understand a device can not be connected to 2 hubs, but I didn't realize the IKEA remote was considered a hub. ( I don't have the Ikea hub).

I was hoping it would more like a tv remote. I can change channels with my app but als with the remote... My TV is capable of listening to both at the same time...

That's a good point, I think hue have something similar with some lights linked to remotes and I think they can do what you are describing when linked to the hue hub.

What order did you do the pairings? It makes a difference. Take a look here:

It worked. Now I'm able to control the led panel both through HE and by using the Ikea Remote.

I don't understand why I should link the remote with HE (as I would expect HE to control the led panel direct) but anyway, it works...

Since your lights are on the Hubitat's Zigbee network the remote needs to be on the network also.

FYI, I still kept an ST hub just for the purpose of integrating these remotes. HE can access them through the ST hub using HubConnect. Still hoping one day HE will support them directly so I can finally dump that ST hub!

Anyone know if the 5 button remote can be paired with the hue bridge and then using one of the hue integrations get it to control devices in HE?


Unlikely. Hue doesn't expose accessories to third party integrations, except through Homekit, and in general they only expose actual hue-branded accessories to Homekit.

As far as I know there's no way to pair the IKEA remote to the official HUE bridge.
The Hue universe is build around 4 button devices.
There is a way to emulate the Hue bridge (bit cumbersome) but you can still only assign 4 buttons of the 5 available.

I might be missing something out there regarding this. Smarthings and Home Assistant both appear to support the Ikea switches. Is this hardware related (i.e. Hubitat doesn't have a radio to do the job) or driver related?

HA - Home Assistant - Control a light with zigbee buttons · GitHub
Smarthings - Ikea Tradfri Wireless control outlet kit and button now working with SmartThings (July 2019) - Devices & Integrations - SmartThings Community

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The technical reasons for this have been discussed in various places. Here's one:

(tl;dr not impossible, just not a priority for staff at the moment)

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Thank you, exactly the answer I was looking for (although not what I wanted hah)

I did see a number of threads, but most had hundreds of messages to sort through and I might have gotten a bit lazy :slight_smile:



Just curious....

Has anyone snooped the Ikea switches and bulbs enough to discover what ZigBee channel they may be using.

Pair-able/Control-able by Hubitat or not, I'd like to know what channel they are set to talk over for radio congestion/crosstalk awareness.

Apologies in advance if this has been discussed elsewhere that I have yet to discover.

They'll adopt whatever channel you pair them on. In any case the default channel for the ikea hub is 11 .

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That topic doesn't exist anymore.

What was the pairing order?

I currently have the Tradfri on/off button and the Tradfri motion sensor paired to a CC2652P coordinator using zigbee2mqtt on one of my raspberry pi4 devices.

My setup is a bit convoluted at the moment.
All of my zigbee lights and plugs are paired to HE.
All of those devices are shared to Home Assistant using @jason0x43 integration.

On the flipside, I am using the Home Assistant Device Bridge to get some of the "oddball" Tradfri devices into Hubitat.

Is zigbee inbound group messaging still a low priority for Hubitat? I've been on Hubitat for 2 years, and in that time there doesn't seem to have been any significant Hubitat updates that affect more than a handful of users, apart from Rule Machine conditions.

It would be lovely if this feature finally received some attention, for those of us not in the US, that have no other way of sourcing reasonably priced zigbee devices.