Anyone tried Sonoff's new Zigbee Dongle 3.0 Plus?

Per the title, uses the EFR32MG21 chip, here

Overall dongle specs seem similar but still with beta support in Z2M for example, Looks like it will have matter support though.

Yes.... Though not the "E" version

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That seems like an entirely different stick, then--the "old"/P model was based on a TI chip, where as the new/E model is based on a SiLabs chip, which until recently was considered experimental in Z2M. Since Home Assistant Yellow is going to use something similar (or the same?) and it's apparently not that bad (or maybe they just want to encourage more testing?), they recently removed that label. I think both have worked with ZHA for a while.

Hubitat also uses some kind of Zigbee chip that is also in this family, though I think an older firmware (and possibly hardware?) version that likely isn't compatible with this. That's about the only Hubitat connection I can make :smiley: I doubt it would work externally on C-3/C-4/C-5 given the versioning, though I'm guessing that's not really the question. I haven't used it myself, on any system--though I do have a few of the TI-chip model around, both as coordinators if I feel like testing something elsewhere and as routers (cheap and small-ish, and easily powered; not bad for this purpose!).


Yeah, me too.. have a bunch of "P" versions. Have only tested in HA as a coordinator but will also probably update the fw on some to use as routers.

Now curious about this "E" version - so thanks for bringing this up.. will probably hold off for a while until things mature. Still playing around with my FP1s


Same. Let me know if you find router firmware for it.

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Just ordered one of these based on EFR32MG21, the Aliex link for firmware is dead-404 error, but found it through searching(UNtested by me)

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Darn it.. now you are going to make me go buy a couple of these... :face_exhaling:

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I know right ! I hate it when people post cool things. It's gotten to the point where my wife is like" what no package today?"