Anyone Successfully running the new Sonoff ZBmini Extreme No Neutral

UPDATE Feb 2024
I have two of the Sonoff ZBminiL2 and had no issues as of yet but if I do I read elsewhere that people were trying this alternative and it does not have the relay click. It works and wires similar to the ZBminiL2 so I bought two of these to use in my other bathrooms and laundry room to operate dual switch fan & llights. You can get them with 1,2,3 or 4 load configuration with no neutral needed. So far they have been OK. One caveat is they will work with either a maintained or momentary switch input. I am using maintained switches on these but the sometimes it will work as if the switch is momentary. It is a minor annoyance which only shows up if youtoggle the switch quickly. They are the same small size as the Sonoff ZBmini but I only used one to operate both switch loads.

Here is thread mentioning more info on using these lesser expensive alternatives