Anyone knows how to get this aircon controller to work?

Wasn't able to find the code I was looking for (may be mis-remembering), but looking at the clusters, the device is reporting that it supports:


ZWave classes. Also identifies itself as a ZWave+ device.

Those values can be looked up at to determine the commands/values supported.

Using this I've made a few educated guesses and modified the code a little to hopefully support some additional fan speeds. If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll start adding some debug lines.


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Thenkas thebearmay, you need helpful. I will try it out and get back to you! :grinning:

Hi thebearmay, I tried pasting the new codes at the new driver section.

I got the error code below. Not sure what it means?

You’re missing the first line:



oic, thank u...

Hi thebearmay,

i tried the codes, wasn't able to control like the Generic Z-wave plus thermostats driver. There was no reaction from the FCU when i pressed the buttons. Any ideas? Thanks.

I'll add some debug lines into it, and see if we get anything back that I can use.

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Added in the debug lines. In preferences turn on the debug switch (will capture for 30 minutes unless you turn off sooner), and try hitting the Cool, Cooling Setpoint and Fan Speeds; and then do the same functions using the physical buttons on the AirCon unit.

hi thebearmay,

i tried the numbers all dont seems to trigger any functions. I tried using the physical buttons and recorded some functions being triggered. The nearest driver that could work was the Z-wave generic plus thermostat but it also seems like some functions are not available..

If you can grab the debug lines from the logs when you do the physical key presses, it may be possible to reverse engineer them and have the driver issue those commands.