I have this LED desklamp that I would love to put on a smart plug and have come on with my office motion sensor. But if I kill the power to the lamp, it doesn't come back on again with turning the smart plug back on, I have to manually hit the lamp's power button. My guess is this type of desk lamp just won't work for this application but I quite like it so thought I'd ask.
is the power button under the plastic? can you take that off and show us a picture of the inside? should be able to bypass it and leave it as always on. just need to see how its wired.
Looks like that one might be "touch" style. Might not actually be possible.
Yea, I'd agree.. the power wire/plug looks to be low voltage already and that would 'encourage' the designers to use identical buttons internally and just have them wired to the PCB. One could investigate what holding the button continuously does... that would allow you to solder a wire to bridge the switch, but I suspect that the circuitry wants to detect a change.
Maybe this guy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B4D9KVX/ref=twister_B07B98QQF7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have never used one or seen one in person
I did that exact thing with a fan. Pop off the cover and post some pics it was really easy to figure out on the fan. I can't imagine a lamp being too difficult.
Ok I will see if I can get the cover off. and post a pic. Thanks for all the replies!