Anyone having issues with Life 360?

I have Life360 set up to detect when my phone is home or leaves. When I leave, the mode is set to away, then after dark, I have a rule to cycle lights in the house, then when I arrive home, mode back to home and certain lights turn on and others brighten.

Last night I got home, and the house was dark inside. Long story short, it never changed the mode to away, so no lights were turned on after dark inside. I just chalked it up to a fluke occurrence. But tonight, same thing. It never changed the mode when I left.

Does anyone know if maybe Life360 is having issues, or anything I might look at to see what's going on?

I've only ever used HE's own stock/native L360 integration (just wife & I - both on iOS). When L360 broke this last time, I uninstalled it and we did the HE app's own geofence for a while.

Then staff fixed L360 during the latest beta, so I reinstalled it -- it's been working well since for us.

Are your phone location-related settings for L360 all max'd out (for lack of a better term)?

The other thing I really like about the stock integration is the Refresh button option -- I build a refresh (one immediate, one delayed) into one of our garage door rules to help catch us whenever we drive. But even on longer dog walks these last couple weeks, L360 has been good about updating.

Short answer is that, yes, others are observing issues. We are leaving for a short trip, so I leaving this on my back burner for now.

Yes. Life360 has been sporadic. The solution that works for me is to use two rules - WiFi Presence sensing along with Life360+

Both rules are identical, except one triggers from Life360+ and the other triggers from WiFi Presence.

There are probably more efficient ways to accomplish the same result, but this works for me.

I'm not sure what you mean by maxed out, but I will say this. There are two of us on the Life360 account, but the other is my daughter, and I don't have Hubitat check for her because she's not at my house very often when I'm not home, and when I had hers on, it was causing problems. I think it was actually a setting on her phone, but I just left it as is.

Other than that, it's just my phone that Hubitat is looking for via Life360, and has been that way almost from when I first got the Hubitat about two years ago or so. So no changes that i know of this whole time.

I may have to try that. When I first go the Hubitat, I just used my phone as the sensor, and it was horribly hit and miss, as many had reported. Maybe it has improved, and if not, I guess it's better than nothing.

I may have some info on this that might be of use to everyone. Apparently there are several threads on this. Not sure how I missed them since I did a search for Life360 before posting, but in any event, It's been an issue since July, and it's something on Life360's end, not Hubitat.

in the mean time, I sat down to dig into this tonight. Up until at least when I first posted this, everything looked normal under the Life360 app settings on Hubitat. I figured I'd log out and back in, and maybe delete the app and reinstall it. But tonight when I went there, instead of my user name, it just said Life360 log in failed. I hadn't updated to the latest version of Hubitat, mainly because I thought I had read there were issues with it, but I went ahead an updated, and now I can log in to the Life360 app, but it's still not picking up whether my phone is present or not.