Anyone else noticed the QC 01 guy at Sonoff is VERY VERY busy :-)

I have just purchased 20 odd Sonoff devices from different suppliers and different devices.

The ALL have QC card Passed by 01.

Just saying very busy guy! :slight_smile:

Electronics manufacturers that I have worked with only had a very limited number of QC#, whether it was a sticker, stamp, or otherwise. The same number would often be shared across multiple shifts.

Let's face it, Sonoff is not doing a deep investigation if you report that your $9 motion sensor had a quality problem. So, why have more granularity of data?

All very tongue in cheek :slight_smile:


I noticed the same after buying a bunch of Sonoff Zigbee plugin outlets from eBay. At less than $6 each shipped straight from China I was willing to roll the dice, but I tested them all when they showed up and noticed #1 on mine, too. :rofl:

Because why would you want it inspected by #2, #85, or whatever. Obviously #1 is the best inspector! :sunglasses:


QC01 is a friend of mine. He works 168 hours/week and brings home $1.68/week.
He's very tired and says he may have missed a defect or 2.


He's also due back in School Monday morning because he's only 12.

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