Any way to hide posts from specific users?

I mentioned this above, but it's not really what you want in this case. The "Mute" feature has been around for a while and stops only notifications (the use of which still prompted many people to ask the same question as the original poster). The "Ignore" feature I mentioned is newer and will actually hide posts, which is more in line with what most people think of here.

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Mrs. Garrett says:

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We have a relatively small load of moderation requests / needs. We also have put in place certain remedies for certain users that sometimes have a tendency to become offensive. We believe these remedies work, and have actually kept things from getting out of hand on recent occasions.

Ultimately a community such as this self moderates. If you find a person being antagonistic or disruptive, flag the post, or send one of us a PM. It will be dealt with.

When a particular topic goes off the rails, as happens from time to time, we will sometimes move the topic to the Debate Chamber or Time Out Room. If you see this happen, here's what it means:

Debate Chamber: The participants need to realize they are having a pointless debate that really doesn't rise to the level of having value to others. While these participants may still be acting in a civil manner, the topic has gone into a tailspin and is unlikely to recover (in our view). These topics may be abruptly closed.

Time Out Room: The participants need to chill out, and stop whatever ridiculous argument or nastiness they have fallen into. Those who fail to get the message will find the topic abruptly closed -- the community version of being called out and sent to the time out corner (i.e., acting like unruly children).

Please keep it civil. Avoid ad hominem comments. It takes at least two to have a fight. Remember that written comments do not convey the full context or motive of the person writing, and can be misconstrued.


Interesting. That was working fine, and now those posts are visible. Perhaps that was due to a 1 month 'ignore' timeframe....but the website no longer allows me to ignore any user. The User -> Preferences -> Notifications -> Users -> Ignore interface seems the same, but it generates an error.

For example, trying to ignore @bravenel produces the following (example only, I don't actually want to ignore Bruce):


Maybe we are not allowed to ignore Bruce . . .


That's a scary concept!


Hmmm.... maybe. It looks like I picked a poor test case.

My original rule was for, say, "Larry", but suddenly I'm seeing posts from Larry. When I try to add the ignore rule (which I thought had simply expired), the web interface doesn't seem to accept any of the timeframes.

In an effort not to single out a particular user, I chose Bruce as a example where I didn't mind posting the screenshot, and got a different error.

I now see that I'm able to ignore other valid users (just tried with you, and then removed the 'ignore' rule), but when I try to ignore fictional users (Curly and Moe), the web interface shows the same error about not accepting the time frame (with no indication that the username is invalid) so perhaps the original user (Larry) isn't in the system anymore, and creating a new ignore rule fails, but their original posts are visible.

Um, that's actually tru,[quote="bravenel, post:28, topic:31043"]

Maybe we are not allowed to ignore Bruce .

That's a scary concept!

It appears to be true. I can ignore other users, but not you.

Probably can't ignore admins.


Probably. Not an issue.

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Perhaps Bruce is a fictional character?


I wonder if it has anything to do with the users profile being hidden. If you want to run a test you can ignore me, then un-ignore (is that a word?). Then I will hide my profile and see what happens.

Interesting thought. The original user in the 'ignore' rule does seem to have a hidden profile, but I don't know whether that's recent.

Yes, I can ignore you (tried, worked, and already removed).

Let me know when your profile is hidden.

Done. Verify that it shows hidden and let me know.

I see that your profile is hidden, but I can ignore your posts (enabled & disabled already), so that's not the cause here.

Thanks for helping with this troubleshooting exercise.

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FWIW, I do seem to have problems ignoring a certain other user I shall not name whose profile is currently hidden (maybe it depends how long if that input works from some sort of cache?).

I think something else is going on. This particular user account no longer auto-populates anywhere. Even if you reply to one of their old posts and try to tag them their account doesn't show up.

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Yes. So I've noticed.