I've read the few posts here on the subject, but no luck so far. I've reset the lock probably six times, and I've temporarily moved the hub as close to the lock as I can (about six feet). It just will not pair–the 60 second timer times out without ever finding anything.
In theory, I could pull the lock from the door and get it very close to the hub (I have no way to get a longer ethernet cord any time soon), but even if that did work, then wouldn't it fail again when I put the hub where it needs to be, which is about 20 feet (straight line, line of sight, nothing in the way) away from the door?
This thing worked perfectly with my Wink, but I can't get it to talk to Hubitat at all. (As many are, I'm new here with Wink's one-week-warning switch to a subscription model.)
You'll need to get it closer. I had to put my hub 6 inches from my lock to pair. If needed you might need to remove the lock to pair, or get a longer extension/cat5 cable to get your hub right next to the lock.
Assuming you mean zwave (not zigbee), you probably need to get closer.
Before I converted all my kwikset to zigbee, I had to be <12" to pair them (and usually more like 3-6"). That was true on all the hubs I paired them to, not just Hubitat. Last time I did it I measured starting at 5 feet away, moving a foot closer each time and trying to pair. In no case would it pair >12" away for me.
The whisper pairing mode zwave uses for locks is so low power that it rarely works further away. And that is BY DESIGN as a security feature.
Yes, radio waves are weird, and sometimes you can pair further away - but that is pure luck (and actually not how the lock was designed to be paired).
After pairing, the lock goes back to full power radio mode, which is why it works further away AFTER pairing. I kind of think it is a stupid design, but it is what it is, as they say.
Note that most zwave devices do not have a whisper mode, or require close proximity pairing. It is only certain zwave perimeter security devices (locks, garage door openers being the most common) that use whisper pairing.
Thanks for the info—That low-power mode is interesting, and I guess it explains why they have to be so close.
I managed to get it to connect from six feet away. Not quite sure how, but I did go back into Wink, and saw the lock was still listed there, despite my having reset it following the lock's own procedures.
Removed it from Wink, tried to sync again in Hubitat, and it showed up immediately. Weird, but I'm good now, it seems.
I had to move my hub as well to pair with my Kwikset locks and Dome Shutoff valve. Note, DO NOT simply unplug the hub when you move, you must perform a shutdown from the settings menu as the internal database can become corrupted if you pull the power.
Ok, a bit frustrated here. Finally moving my Kwikset Locks from HomeSeer to Hubitat and having issues. Never had any issue while on HomeSeer with the locks. They pair just fine remotely but are not pairing securely. I removed them from the doors themselves and have them touching the hub even and they do not pair securely at least as far as I can tell. I see some people showing secure settings under their settings but mine does not for any of my 3 locks.
Here's the Deets....
My locks:
Kwikset 916 - Z-Wave (Not Z-Wave Plus or Zigbee Model)
I can tell that the locks receive lock/unlocks commands because the Z-Wave module blinks red every time I send a command but there is no action.
When forcing the lock to include securely (I though at least by setting Secure Join to All Secure Z-Wave) I still show no indication of it joining securely.
Again, joining the hub works fine, but there is no functionality. It seems like securely joining Z-Wave isn't functioning on this build ( Exclude/Include and Factory Resets are non factors as well. I am aware I could get new Z-Wave Plus modules but I don't want to spend cash when I know if it works in HomeSeer that its a software thing. I haven't tried to securely join anything on this platform to be honest. Just grasping at straws here. @mike.maxwell any ideas?
Then they are not pairing fine, as the security keys are not exchanging.
Again, no they aren't, otherwise they would be joined securely...
You need to put the hub VERY close to them - like < 6" - when pairing to the locks. (and please don't say "I didn't have to do that with Homeseer". While that might be true, it isn't true with Hubitat. )
I tested this ad nauseum with my three Kwikset locks before swapping out the zwave modules for zigbee ones. I couldn't even get the keys to exchange from 3 feet away... It seriously had to be <1 foot - and even then sometimes I had to attempt it multiple times before the security keys would exchange.
Hopefully once you actually get them to pair securely they will work well for you. Mine were a little flaky on reporting, so I swapped out the zwave modules for zigbee ones - perfect since then. But that was > a year ago, maybe the zwave modules play nicer with Hubitat now.
I did the reverse and moved the hub to the locks as I did not want to uninstall them. I had a long ethernet cable to help! Both of my Kwikset locks paired immediately but only when I brought the hub very close to the lock. I never had to repair. I still have the original zigbee modules in my units. Since pairing I have had no issues with my locks dropping off or becoming unreliable. Maybe you need to do some sort of factory reset with your lock? I’d give Kwikset support a call. Good luck!
Yeah, I brought the locks to the hub but will try the long cable. I have two Zooz power strips in the closet with the hub so maybe even being close isn’t going to work because they may be the first hop due to proximity. Will know shortly!
Argh. Sorry about my earlier comment, I missed the part above in your last post. Should have read it more carefully.
My fault, and my apologies.
Other than trying to reboot hub before pairing I don't have any other ideas. I often had to try more than once to get secure pairing to complete successfully on my kwikset locks, it was never more than 2-3 times.
No dice. Long cable didn’t help. Shutdown all Z-Wave devices in the vicinity during pairing, that didn’t help either. Before I give up on this, I tried a brand new Inovelli switch directly on top of the hub. No dice there either. As far as I can tell, nothing pairs securely. I would like to know if anyone has something they can test to confirm secure pairing is currently functional on the latest HE build? Not that something already securely paired functions..but does adding any new device securely function?