And then there's the Zigbee options:
Hue Dimmer
Adurosmat Eria Dimming Switch (basically a Hue dimmer)
Xiaomi Aqara buttons
In addition to Pico, and Luton Connected bulb remotes, I have 3 of Xiaomi buttons and love them. The Xiaomi buttons have 6 possible button pushes in HE (1-5 clicks, plus hold).
I'm waiting for those remotes to come out as well.
In the meantime, I'm using a Aeotec Quad Wallmote. It does the trick, but the WAF is relatively low because it doesn't look like a switch. The advantage of the forthcoming Jasco switches is that they look like a switch.
The Remotec looks almost like a switch, but has too many buttons on it to have a high WAF.
According to the ST forum, these do not support the Central Scene capability and instead support direct Z-wave association. So, you can use them as 3-wave for you Z-wave switches and dimmers but that's all. Not as button controller in HE.
As of two months ago, the release firmware for these remotes was not yet finalized (personal communication from a Jasco employee), so that might change.
Well, if you read the post I linked to, the person was sent test sample devices. So that is what has been seen in the wild. That is an awfully big shift to be done after the devices have already gone to manufacturing though. You'd have to pull all those devices and trash them basically.
Just checked. The large manufacturing run for these is not yet done. Also, they have flashable firmware. So presumably any units from previous manufacturing runs could be re-flashed by Jasco.
And then they would have to be repackaged. This is not feasible from a cost perspective. Firmware updates are either handled by customers or the devices are scraped in most cases. Paying someone to unpackage every one, flash it and then finding a way to make sure that it was packaged correctly again is more expensive than trashing the devices you've got.
I'm not going to get in a debate about how devices are manufactured. A change from z-wave direct device association to z-wave central scene when device beta units have already been sent to people to try out is a HUGE change. Agreed?
Yes. But not unheard of. From everything I've read, the firmware difference between beta units of the Aeotec Siren 6 and the final release product were substantial.
Substantial but not completely different. We're talking about going from direct association to central scene. That's not substantial, that's a complete re-write.