Any documentation for the BlaQ driver parameters in Hubitat?

I just installed a GDOv2-Q unit on a Liftmaster GDO and the corresponding driver in HE. Can anyone point me to documentation for the BlaQ driver parameters in Hubitat?

Here's what I've figured out so far:

  • OPEN -- Opens door
  • CLOSE -- Closes door
  • SWITCH ON -- Turns the GDO light ON
  • SWITCH OFF -- Turns the GDO light OFF (may be slow to react)
  • INITIALIZE -- Seems to be a standard HE command to send parameter values to the BlaQ unit
  • REFRESH -- Seems to be a standard HE command to read states and state variables from the BlaQ unit
  • SET POSITION -- Opens or closes the door to a position from 0 to 100 (although not accurately in my case -- "10" results in a reported position of "15")
  • PRE CLOSE WARNING -- Triggers the sound transducer to play the pre-selected (in the Konnected app) sound

However, I don’t know what all of the other parameters do:

  • LOCK/UNLOCK -- Does this somehow disable the GDO? If so, does not seem to work in my case.
  • LEARN ON/OFF -- Learn what, and how?
  • RESTART -- Restart the BlaQ unit or the GDO or something else?
  • STOP -- Stop opening or closing the door, or stop something else? Doesn't seem to stop the door in my brief testing.

Thanks in advance for any guidance!

I am thinking the following, but have not tested:

  • Lock/Unlock - On Liftmaster GDO, this is used when on vacation or extended leave to disable opening the GDO via a paired remote/keypad. The Liftmaster manual states that the lock feature, often called "vacation lock," temporarily disables remote controls and keypads, ensuring the garage door can only be operated by the wall-mounted button, enhancing security when you're away
  • Learn - The LiftMaster "Learn" button, used for programming remotes and other accessories, is typically located on the back or side of the motor unit, often under a light cover, and can be red, orange, green, purple, or yellow.
  • Stop - Supposed to 'Stop' the current open/close of the GDO, same as if you press the wall switch when the GDO is opening/closing. The Liftmaster manual states, to stop a LiftMaster garage door opener in the middle of its travel, simply press the button on the wall-mounted control or remote control a second time when the door reaches the desired height.
  • Restart - Reboots the BlaQ in case it is not responding as expected. The api states, 'Trigger the software to reboot, re-connect to Wi-Fi, and re-establish a connection'.
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Thank you! I'll test your theories!

I am fairly certain you are correct in your assessment of these commands.

Some of these are dependent upon what GDO you have (the capabilities the opener itself has) and what capabilities the wall button you are using.

For example, my inside door button is an 889LM, which has lock, light, and other functions. Those show up in BlaQ. On the other hand, my door opener doesn't report things like number of door openings because it is an older purple button model that doesn't report that parameter, and so the Blaq cannot forward that non-existent data.