Any body get the Ecosmart A 19 bulbs to work?

As a newbie I thought I would learn on the Hubitat as I like the "keep things local" aproach. So after I received my hub I purchased a smarthings motion sensor w temp monitor and two Ecosmart zigbee bulbs (white) from home depot. I had no problem paring any of the three devices however I could not get the ecosmart bulbs to change color temp in step with motion lighting. I asked for help and I was told that the driver/ type that was installed by Hubitat (generic zigbee rgbw was the incorrect driver and I should us the ct driver. So off I went to search for this driver and I found a Generic zigbee ct bulb (Dev) driver and tried that for the two bulbs. The problem is they do not switch color temp based on the motion lighting rules I have. I have a evening, day and bedtime rule with different color temp and levels during the day and the problem is that the motion lighting color temps are not passing to the bulbs themselves, they retain the level from the prior rule. I can manually change the bulbs to what I want in the preferences but when it comes time to switch to a new rule (evening to bedtime for example) the level value color temp all revert to the daytime values of 6500 and 95 color Any thoughts/suggestions, I realize these are cheap bulbs but I didn't want to "learn/practice using expensive ones.

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Well, for starters, you motion app has a time to enable motion on/off but not a time to disable it. Why include an enable time and not a disable time?

You also have two rules using the same motion sensor and light. They are going to conflict.

What driver did you assign when pairing the bulb? Was it the Generic RGBW driver? If so, change to the Generic Zigbee CT bulb driver and give that a shot.

I am using the generic Zigbee CT bulb driver. As for why no disable time probably because I'm a newbie because I don't see a off setting in motion lighting I assumed if I had a rule to start at 7am and a rule to start at 5pm then the 7am rule would run till 4:59pm. Where do I set the disable parameter in motion lighting?

Maybe it would be better if I tried to explain what I am trying to accomplish. The light fixture in the MB hallway is a two bulb fixture. In the day time (from 7 am to 4:59pm I want the motion sensor to turn on both lights and set them at 6500 and 95. At evening at 5pm when the motion sensor triggers I want the two lights to turn on at a level of 4000 and 50. When bedtime comes at 9pm I want only only one of the two lights to trigger on motion and turn of at 2700 and 17. The bedtime routine is there so if my SO has to get up and go she has enough light to see but not bother me as she has poor night vision.

I'm going to recommend to you what has become a very common theme on the forum this past week, and that is...Modes.

If you had modes set up for "Day", "Night" and "Sleeping", this would be a lot easier to do and you would only need to have one motion lighting app set up to accomplish this. It is also going to save you time if you end up doing anything else differently depending on those general time frames. Also, if you decide to adjust those times, you no longer have to go in and modify every single rule that has those times built in, you just have to go into the Modes app and change what time the mode gets applied. Maybe you want to change it to start night later in the summer...maybe you want day to start later on the weekends...mode allows you to do that much easier than changing a whole bunch of rules. So, I would take a look at the post recently about setting up mode manager and see if that might work for you before tyring to dig too deeply into these apps.

Than you for the quick reply, while waiting for a reply I did in fact search the community and read many recommendations involving modes. I have rewritten the motion lighting rules for day night and bedtime using modes and as of right now the bedtime mode seems to be working. I have one last question regarding start and stop times. If I have mode A starting at 7am and mode B starting at 5pm. is the end time for mode A 4:59 or 5pm. I ask this because if it is 4:59pm then there is the possibility that the rule will not trigger for the minute between 4:59 and 5:00 not a real big deal but my luck it will happen when the wife is in the bathroom in total darkness and I will hear about it. :slight_smile:

You don't have to set up the motion lighting app with the times if you use mode. The mode will always be set to something. It will never be blank.