Another Mode manager sunset bug?

So this happened again today at sunset. It was much less of a barrage, the mode went from Day to Evening and then immediately to night, triggering my night routine.

This only seemed to happen once and none of my scenes or groups triggered this time (although I had disabled my IFTT integration still so maybe that helped?). I still can't figure out why this is happening though, although looking more like it might be related to this bug?

I've attached screenshots but I realise its also still triggering at sunset instead of 6:30pm despite being on the default 'all' days — the linked post suggests the bug is related to having it run on certain days — so I'm wondering if the bug is in fact related to "Later of Two Times"?

Sorry for the lengthy posts, any help appreciated! :blush:
Another TLDR for you; Can't figure out why night mode is triggering at sunset instead of just evening mode or why anything is triggering at sunset when sunset is happening before 6:30pm.