Another brick in the wall - Tuya joins the Zigbee Alliance

I'd be interested to know if my Generic Zigbee Switch driver also work with that one. If you test it, let me know :slight_smile:

It does. The only difference is that your driver starts with all plugs on, while the Aurora starts with all plugs off.

Btw, I tested also your illuminance driver, not very deeply indeed. It seems that if the illuminance variation is lower than the set minimum, the driver does'nt update last checkin date/time

Ok, nice, at least it is generic enough then :slight_smile:

At least 30 minutes need to pass for a new checkin event to be recorded with that driver. All my drivers have a minimum, but what that is depends on the driver. Most are set to 30 minutes though. This is there to keep from recording too many events.

@markus so now I have not any excuse not to hack my previous wifi power strip with your tasmota driver :slight_smile:.
I need to recover my dusted programmer ... and my only single neuron...

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The power strip data are as following:
Data * endpointId: 01

  • hasMultiEP: true
  • application: 42
  • softwareBuild:
  • driver: v0.8.2.0720b
  • inClusters: 0000,000A,0004,0005,0006
  • outClusters: 0019
  • model: TS0115
  • isMultiEP: true
  • manufacturer: _TYZB01_vkwryfdr
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If you don't mind, could you give me what is printed when you press Get Info? The line about fingerprint.

fingerprint model:"TS0115", manufacturer:"_TYZB01_vkwryfdr", profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,000A,0004,0005,0006", outClusters:"0019", application:"42"


@markus I installed tasmota-hubitat in my old wifi tuya power strip (4 plugs+usb).
Which Module Type should I set the module in order to controll the 4 plugs independently ?

For something like that you would need to set a template correctly for all pins. Exactly what device is this? If there is a template on this site it would make it easier.

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@markus the following seems identical to the one in my hand

ok. with that template it works by now!

EDIT: good! so now I have 1+ fully local power strip. Thanks markus

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@markus just a note:the main phisical switch is acting only on the latest plug (child device) , not on the others. Any advice?

Template changed to AOFO
In the parent device:

[SOLVED] the main button can switch on/off any single plug (1 to 5) with multiple tapping : 1 tapping for 1st plug, 2 rapid tapping for 2nd plug and so on.

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